Winter 2024 Weekly Schedule of Recurring Meetings

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday
10:00-10:50Independent studyFridays
11:00-11:50Office hour
Office hour
12:00-12:50MTH 402
MTH 402
1:00-1:50Department meetingDepartment meeting for
2:00-2:50MTH 203-04MTH 203-04meetings,
3:00-3:50Office hour
MTH 203-04Office hour
MTH 203-04research,
4:00-4:50MTH 203-02Office hour
MTH 203-02Office hour
5:00-5:50MTH 203-02MTH 203-02MTH 499
6:00-6:50Office hour

Note to students: If none of the scheduled office hour times work with your schedule, please email me in advance to suggest another another time for an in-person or online meeting. When sending the email, please suggest at least two meeting times that seem free according to the above calendar.

Valid from January 8 till April 20, 2024. (Updated March 9, 2024)