At least three important contributions to modeling KOC values have been reported since Chemical Property Estimation. Theory and Practice was published. Great variability is noted in the reported KOC values of chemicals. There are several reasons for this. There are no standard, agreed-upon test materials for the measurements, and the variable and changing nature of organic matter in soils used lead to great variability in results. Both fast and slow adsorption processes take place in test media as well as in the environmental soil/sediment column, but no standard equilibration time is used. Most reported values are based on measurements made before equilibrium was attained and represent the fast adsorption processes primarily. Chiou et al (1998) point out that the variable and changing nature of natural soils and ambient conditions ensure that the KOC value of a chemical will vary in the environment, too.

A chemical's KOC value depends on medium and structure. Sediment KOC values can be as much as twice those of the soil KOC values. PAHs have higher soil/sediment KOCs than other non-polar chemicals. PCBs have comparatively long equilibration times.

Gawlick et al (1997) reviewed 175 different correlations between KOC and various descriptors such as KOW, aqueous solubility, and topological indices. They found no general correlation to be superior to any other. Indeed, an accurate and reliable general correlation covering many chemical types is not likely to be found. Seth et al (1999) suggest using KOC = 0.33 KOW with limits of 0.89 KOW >KOC > 0.14 KOW. More accurate class-specific correlations are available, however.

A great deal of information is available on KOC-KOW correlations, and they are widely used. But there is a serious flaw inherent in any KOC - KOW correlation. Seth et al. (1999) show that KOC and KOW values are both greatly determined by the chemical's activity coefficient in water. Thus, the two are auto-correlated. While simple statistics show correlations between the two to be highly reliable, the observed extreme variability of KOC/KOW ratios is not accounted for and predictive accuracy is very low. Seth et al. (1999) show that by correlating the KOC/KOW ratio with other descriptors, the auto-correlation problem is revealed. For instance, they report that:

log (KOC/KOW) = 0.03 log KOW - 0.61

n = 117, r2 = 0.02, s = 0.38.

Since the coefficient on log KOW is not significantly different from zero, Seth et al. (1999) suggest using log (KOC/KOW) = -0.48 with limits of -0.05 >log(KOC/KOW)> -0.86.

Chiou, S.T., McGroddy, S.E., and Kile, D.E., Environ. Sci. Technol., 1998, 32, 264.

Gawlik, B. M., Sotiriou, N., Feicht, E.A, Schulte-Hostede, S., and Kettrup, A. Chemosphere, 1997, 34, 2525.

Seth, R., Mackay, D., and Muncke, J.. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1999, 33, 2390-2394.