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<table width="900" border="10" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" bordercolor="#666666">


<td bordercolor="#666666"><h1 align="center">Paul Fishback</h1></td>



<td bordercolor="#666666"><table width="850" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">


<td width="329"><h1 align="center"><img src="PF_teaching.jpg" alt="Paul Fishback" width="422" longdesc="http://faculty.gvsu.edu/fishbacp/PaulFishback.JPEG" /></h1>

<h3 class="style27 style41"><font face="Microsoft Sans Serif"><u>Contact Inf<span class="style31">ormation</span></u> </font></h3>

<ul class="style32">

<li><strong> <font face="Microsoft Sans Serif">Phone/Voice Mail: (616) 331-2443 </font></strong></li>

<li><strong> <font face="Microsoft Sans Serif">email: </a></font><a href="mailto:fishbacp@gvsu.edu">fishbacp@gvsu.edu</a></strong></li>

<li><strong>Office: 2337 MAK</strong></li>

<li><strong> <font face="Microsoft Sans Serif">Department Phone:&nbsp;(616) 331-2040 </font></strong></li>

<li><strong> <font face="Microsoft Sans Serif">Department Fax: (616) 331-3120 </font></strong></li>

<li><strong> <font face="Microsoft Sans Serif">Mailing address: <a

href="http://www.gvsu.edu/math/">Department of Mathematics, </a>Grand

Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401</font></strong></li>


<h2 align="center" class="style27 style41"><font face="Microsoft Sans Serif"><b><u>Links</u></b></font></h2>



<h3><a href="http://faculty.gvsu.edu/fishbacp/Vita2009.pdf"><strong>Vita</strong></a></h3>



<h3><a href="http://www.pme-math.org"><strong>Pi Mu Epsilon Honorary Society</strong></a></h3>



<div align="center"><img src=" Moosilauke.JPG" alt="Paul Fishback" width="320" height="244" /></div>

<p align="left" class="style27 style41"><strong>With my wife, Barb, at the summit of Mount Moosilauke on the New Hampshire section of the Appalachian Trail.


<h3 align="center" class="style27 style41"></h3></td>

<td width="506" valign="top",valign="top"><h3 align="center"><span class="style41"><span class="style51"><font face="Microsoft Sans Serif"><strong><span class="style52"><span class="style51"><b>Professor, Department of Mathematics</b></span><br />



<li class="style41 style52">

<h3 class="style41 style51"><font face="Microsoft Sans Serif"><b>Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1992</b></font></h3>



<h3 class="style41 style51"><span class="style52"><span class="style51"><font face="Microsoft Sans Serif"><b>A.B. Hamilton College, 1985</b></font></span></span></h3>



<h3 class="style41 style44">I <span class="style41 style50">came to Grand Valley State University in the Fall of

1993, received tenure in 1999, and was promoted

to Full Professor in 2006.&nbsp; I've had the opportunity to teach a wide variety different courses, including

college algebra, calculus, proof writing, linear algebra, differential

equations, operations research, vector calculus, modern algebra, real analysis, and

complex analysis. In the Fall of 2009, I received the GVSU Alumni Association's <a href="http://alumniassociation.createsend3.com/T/ViewEmail/r/94B5C97592456E30/E2A2EE0FE11E42BFC68C6A341B5D209E">Outstanding Educator Award</a></span>.</h3>

<h3 class="style41 style44"><span class="style41 style50"> Although my graduate training was in the field of Fourier analysis, my research since coming to GVSU has primarily involved collaborating with students on problems in analysis and discrete dynamical systems. From 2006-2009, I wrote a textbook used in our operations course, entitled <a href="http://www.lp-nlp-with-maple.org/" >Linear and Nonlinear Programming with Maple: An Interactive, Applications-Based Approach</a>, Chapman and Hall / CRC Press, 2009. My current research interests focus on signal processing and network modeling in the neurosciences. As part of this project, I am collaborating with colleagues and graduate students in GVSU's Biomedical Engineering as well neurologists from Spectrum Health Systems to analyze patient electroencephalogrophy (EEG) data coming from Spectrum Hospital's Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. </span> </h3>

<h3 align="left" class="style41 style44"> <span class="style41 style50">Student-related activities have always been of

interest to me. I am involved with <a href="http://www.pme-math.org" >Pi Mu Epsilon</a> and currently serve as the organization's President. </span></h3>

<h3 align="left" class="style41 style44"> <span class="style41 style50"> Away from GVSU, I enjoy backpacking, cross-country skiing, bicycling, and

traditional, Greenland-style sea kayaking. I've been paddling over 25 years and hold the <a href="http://www.bcu.org.uk/">British Canoe Union</a> 4-Star

Sea Kayaking Skill Award. </span> </h3>

<p align="center"><a href="javascript:;" target="_top"></a><img src="KayakingAcadia.jpg" alt="Kayking" width="500" height="375" /></p>

<p align="center" class="style41 style27"><strong>Kayaking along the coastline at Acadia National Park, Maine.</strong></p></td>





<td height="30" bordercolor="#666666"><div align="right"><a href="http://www.gvsu.edu/">GVSU Home</a></div></td>




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