Lab 1: Intro to Scientific Python

Note: for this week only, lab will be done individually - not in groups.

Part 1: Glob and plotting

The zip file contains three csv files. Unzip the file into a folder, then write a python script to plot each file on its own graph and save each graph to a png file.


  • you must use the python glob module to automatically find all of the data files
  • you must write a function that takes the name of a csv file as an input, plots the data, and saves the plot as a png file
    • you are encouraged to write additional helper functions
  • your code must automatically find all of the data files and generate one png file per csv file

Part 2: Curve Fitting

Use scipy.optimize.fmin to curve fit appropriate functions to the two data files curvefit_1.csv and curvefit_2.csv.