
Python Basics 6

Author:Dr. Ryan Krauss

What is a string?

  • not trying to insult anyone
  • wanting to make sure we don’t confuse anyone
  • a string in Python is a variable made up of a list of characters
  • you create them by putting characters in single or double quotes:
    • var1 = "hello"
    • var2 = 'ryan'

Working with Strings

  • concatenation
  • search (find) and replace
  • slicing and indexing
  • split
  • join
  • escape characters
  • formatting operators
  • strip

Online Tutorial

This is a pretty good online tutorial:


  • to concatenate strings means to “add” them together end to end:
    • 'hello ' + 'world' = 'hello world'
  • this can take several forms in terms of syntax:
    • c = 'hello ' + 'world'


a = 'hello '
b = 'world'
c = a + b



c = 'hello '
c += 'world'
class nooverlay

Search (find)

  • find is a method of any string instance
    • this is object-oriented talk
In [1]: c = 'hello world'

In [2]: c.find('w')
Out[2]: 6

In [3]: c.find('wo')
Out[3]: 6

In [4]: c.find('wr')
Out[4]: -1


In [1]: c = 'hello world'

In [2]: c.replace('world','ryan')
Out[2]: 'hello ryan'

In [3]: c
Out[3]: 'hello world'
  • note that replace does not modify c

Replace (cont.)

  • use a new variable to capture the new string
In [4]: d = c.replace('world','ryan')

In [5]: d
Out[5]: 'hello ryan'

In [6]: c
Out[6]: 'hello world'

Slicing and Indexing

  • in many ways, strings behave like lists of characters:
In [1]: c = 'hello world'

In [2]: c.find(' ')
Out[2]: 5

In [3]: c[5]
Out[3]: ' '

In [4]: c[0:5]
Out[4]: 'hello'

In [5]: c[6:]
Out[5]: 'world'


  • break a string at a specific character
  • two flavors:
    • split into a list
    • split a maximum number of times
In [1]: d = 'this is a longer string'

In [2]: d.split(' ')
Out[2]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'longer',

In [3]: d.split(' ',1)
Out[3]: ['this', 'is a longer string']

Split (cont.)

  • capture the output as two strings:
In [4]: part1, part2 = d.split(' ',1)

In [5]: part1
Out[5]: 'this'

In [6]: part2
Out[6]: 'is a longer string'


  • the opposite of split
  • take a list and concatenate it into a string, using the joining character in between each element
In [1]: mylist = ['this', 'is','my','list']

In [2]: ' '.join(mylist)
Out[2]: 'this is my list'

In [3]: '-'.join(mylist)
Out[3]: 'this-is-my-list'

Joining with newlines

  • If you have a list of text that you want to be lines in a text file, join them with newline characters:
In [1]: list2 = ['line 1','line 2', \
                 'line 3']

In [2]: str2 = '\n'.join(list2)

In [3]: print(str2)
line 1
line 2
line 3

Escape Characters

  • sometimes we need to insert characters in strings that are tricky to represent such as tabs or newlines
    • or sometimes we read these characters in fro m text files
  • how do we represent these characters in Python code?
    • ansewer: escape characters:
      • the backslash "\" escapes special characters
      • tab is "\t"
      • newline is "\n"
      • there are many others

String substitutions

  • somewhat tricky but very powerful
  • substitutue values into a string pattern in a consistent way
  • examples:
    • looping through data files and wanting to save plots as “fig_1.png”, “fig_2.png”, ...
    • specifying precise formatting of number to string conversions:
      • '%0.4f' % pi = '3.1416'

Substitution Example

for i in range(1,4):
    filename = 'fig_%i.png' % i
    savefig(filename, dpi=300)

Multiple Substitutions

a = 17
b = 3.1234567
c = 'hello'
fmt = 'test_%i_%0.3f_%s.jpg'
mystr = fmt % (a,b,c)
  • what is mystr?


  • remove whitespace from beginning and end of string
    • but not from the middle
  • a = "     \t  hello  \t  world    \n \t \n  "
  • a.strip()
    • what is the output?
    • what is the value of a after strip is called?