Marquette Area GeoTrip Home



Welcome to the Marquette Area. The variety of geology here is amazing. Explore active and antique mines, steep slopes and hills, shorelines, and even the world's largest gemstone. The Marquette Area tells us a lot about the exciting geologic history of the UP with its large variety of rocks and structures. Click on an area in the table above for a specific type of info. Click on a stop on the map or on the purple toolbar below to see information on that particular stop.

Put on your hardhats and enjoy the ride!



Location Key:

MQ1 -- Pillow Basalts
MQ2 -- Empire/Tilden Mine
MQ3 -- Kona Dolomite Quarry
MQ4 -- Presque Isle
MQ5 -- Sugarloaf Mtn.
MQ6 -- Negaunee
MQ7 -- Jasper Knob
MQ8 -- Archean Fragmental Dacite
MQ9 -- Michigamme
MQ10 -- Harvey Quarry