Unit - Cryptography and Coding

Lesson One - Introduction to Coding

Objective: 1. The student will learn about the history of coding.

2. The student will learn how to use and to understand the Ceaser Cipher.

Anticipatory Set: Decorate the room with materials dealing with cryptography and arrange to send a coded message to a student to spark interest in the class.


Methods of Presentation:

- discussion - demonstration - group work

Previous Knowledge: knowledge of the alphebet and world history

Task Components:

- TLW learn the history of cryptography

- TLW learn how to code and decode using the Caeser Cipher

- TLW send coded messages to classmates

Thinking Levels

- Knowledge: recall previous information

- Comprehension: be able to read and use information

- Application: be able to send messages using the given coding system

- Analysis: be able to decode the messeges

- Synthesis: be able to create own Ceaser Cipher

- Evaluation: complete worksheet asignment given by teacher


- Teacher will model use of the Caeser Cipher.

Check for Understanding

- All students will decode a message given by the teacher.

Guided Practice

- TLW work in groups coding and decoding messages.

Independent Practice

- TLW complete worksheet given by teacher.

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