Lesson Four - The Enigma Machine

NOTE: This lesson is designed to take more than 1 class.

Objective: 1. The students will understand how Enigma worked and the definitions and terms that accompany Enigma.

2. The students will understand Finite State Transducers and how they work

Anticipatory Set: Have posters from WW II set up throughout the room and have a picture of the Enigma Machine somewhere accessible.


Methods of Presentation:

- discussion - demonstration

Previous Knowledge

- time frame of WW II and events that go along with it

Task Components

- TLW needs to understand the definitions of the parts of the machine.

- TLW needs to know what happens to a letter as it goes through the machine.

- TLW understand the concepts of states and changing letters from state to state.

- TLW need to demonstrate understanding about the machine

Thinking Levels

- Knowledge: knowledge of permutations

- Comprehension: summarize definitions

- Application: draw diagram showing what happens

- Analysis: explain why so hard to crack

- Synthesis: generate ideas as to how to go about cracking Enigma

- Evaluation: paper on how Enigma works


- Teacher will explain all terms dealing with Enigma.

- Teacher will draw diagram showing how Enigma works.

- Teacher will show how FST works and how related to Enigma

Check for Understanding

- Look at faces for understanding.

- Ask questions of students and ask students to re-explain terms.

- Have students work together through FST problems

Guided Practice

- TLW code a message using a enigma process and show how letters change.

- Work in groups on FST

Independent Practice

- TLW write a short paper on the Enigma machine and how it works

- Small problem set designing FST

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