Lesson Five - Linear Coding

NOTE: This lesson designed to take more than one class.

Objective: The student will use linear functions to code messages.

Anticipatory Set: Have linear functions on the board when students arrive and ask what we know about linear functions.


Methods of Presentation:

- discussion - demonstration - group work

Previous Knowledge

- knowledge about linear functions, modular arithmetic

Task Components

- TLW first see how we could code using linear functions.

- TLW see how we can add to this process and make it more complex.

- TLW add dimensions like a plugboard, functions that change (states)

- TLW decide how to change states using 1-9 in the form mx + b.

- TLW relate this coding to Enigma to better understand Enigma.

Thinking Levels

- Knowledge: recall previous information

- Comprehension: summarize previous ideas and relate them

- Application: cod using another method

- Analysis: decide whether a function can be used to code

- Synthesis: generate ideas of how to code using functions that are not linear

- Evaluation: design own way of coding using linear functions.


- Teacher will demonstrate different ways to code using linear functions

Check for Understanding

- Ask students if comfortable using linear functions.

- Continue coding with students as we add complexities to the process.

Guided Practice

- TLW work in groups through an assigned problem set.

Independent Practice

- TLW develop their own method of coding with linear functions. This is a project that is to take about a week to complete.


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