DW Home Page
Discovering Wavelets: Tutorials
maintained by Edward Aboufadel and Steven Schlicker
If you are interested in an introduction to wavelets, we would humbly recommend our textbook. However, there are also many free sources available on the Internet. We have reproduced here a few that we think are most accessible to undergraduates and nonspecialists.

The Wavelet Tutorial: The Engineer's Ultimate Guide to Wavelet Analysis, by Robi Polikar

An Introduction to Wavelets, by Amara Graps

Wavelet Image Compression:  Beating the Bandwidth Bottleneck
By Peter Schroder, in Wired Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1995.

Plotting & Scheming with Wavelets, by Colm Mulchay, a Postscript File of his Mathematics Magazine article, along with an Errata Page

A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis
by Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo.

A Wavelet Tutorial (based on S. Mallat's book)

Wavelets for Computer Graphics: A Primer.

The D4 Wavelet -- a Maple worksheet.

The FBI's wavelet-based Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
See the press release of August 10, 1999.

We also have a page of links to wavelet sites. Also, you might find some interesting information at one of the other main pages on this site (Wavelets for Undergraduates, Student Projects, or Software).