Human Performance Lab
The Human Performance Lab at GVSU is dedicated first and foremost to undergraduate instruction and student scholarship. This mission is achieved by equipping the Lab with equipment and technology essential for today's Exercise Science professional. Here students gain practical, hands on skills, and apply these skills to real-world situations and experience the inquiry based learning of research. The Lab is staffed by Dawn Coe, Jim Scott,  and Anjuli Gairola.

Note: Currently the Lab is unable to conduct performance testing for the general public due to classroom demands and staffing insufficiency

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Student Research

The lab is equipped with an array of equipment for assessing cardiovascular fitness. 6 Monark cycle ergometers are available for submaximal and maximal cardiovascular fitness assessment. We also have a Monark cycle dedicated to arm ergometry, 2 Schwinn Airdyne cycles, Nordic Track Ski Trainer, Hydraulic Rower and a portable ergometer trainer.
12 Polar heart rate monitors are used both in a classroom setting (K-12) as well as during testing and training. We have a dedicated computer for heart rate data download.
A Med Graphics metabolic cart is available for metabolic testing of apparently healthy and athletic populations. The system can be used with our Quinton 1860 treadmill, Q55 treadmill or  with any of our other exercise modalities.
Electrocardiographs are available for both resting evaluation and exercise stress testing. We have a Quinton system that we can use for resting ECG analysis. Our Med Graphics system contains and ECG, which we can use in concert with our metabolic testing.
We can also teach the recognition of ECG rhythms and 12 lead ECG with our RhythmSim-ECG simulator (Armstrong Medical)
We can assess anaerobic power as well as aerobic. We have switch plates interfaced with clock counters for Margaria step testing. We also have a Wingate specific Monark cycle ergometer, which we have interfaced with software and and optical system from Sports Medicine Industries (SMI). This system allows us to load the subject instantaneously versus the manual cranking of the old Monarks. With the optical interface, RPM are counted with great precision, and power output is computed real-time on the computer! Cool!
Corival- RPM independent Cycle Ergometer
The workload of the Corival is electro-magnetically controlled and continuously adjustable from 7 to 750 Watt, with a maximum peak load of 999 Watt during 6 minutes. Furthermore, the workload is independent of pedal speed between
40-120 rpm.



We can assess pulmonary function using a variety of methods. Our Med Graphics system is capable of maximal voluntary ventilation, tidal volume and other lung measures. We also have the Vitalograph lung function tester, which can measure FVC and FEV1. Finally, we have a new system, the Microlab Portable Spirometer, which is capable of generating flow volume loops and measuring various aspects of both inspired flow and expired. It is battery powered for added portability.
Pulse Oximetry can be used with the Pulmonary patient to identify the point during exercise where O2 desaturation ocurrs, and is a good index for exercise prescription. O2 saturation also declines during high altitude climbing, and can be used to determine risk during ascending (maybe not those Michigan mountains!)



The Cybex II is an older system, but is excellent for testing the isokinetic strength and fatigue curves for healthy, injured and athletic populations. We also use the system to demonstrate the force velocity relationship.

The Cybex II can be interfaced with our EMG system to integrate an assessment of neuromuscular function and force output. We operate a Noraxon system that is connected to a Pentium III computer. We can examine motor unit recruitment during exercise, examine fatigue, and perhaps study the relationship between the anaerobic threshold and muscle recruitment.
Manual Muscle testing is Possible using the Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester. This measures peak force, time to peak and can store test data.


Fitness/ Wellness
Our lab has a comprehensive array of equipment for assessing the health, wellness and generalized fitness of individuals:

Jamar Handgrip dynamometers, manual goniometers, electric goniometers, , Digital Scale, Glucometers, Sit n reach boxes
Body Composition:    7 Lange skinfold calipers, Tanita Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer, Underwater Weighing Tank, Infrared Interactance

The Human Performance Lab is continually seeking to upgrade computer technology and technology systems to provide the student the most up to date experiences.

Computers:    2 Pentium IV 900 Mhz computers with Internet access and color printers
                    1 Pentium III with 17" monitor (interfaced with EMG)
                     1 Pentium MMX with Internet access and Hard Drive/CDROM
                    4 Pentium 90Mhz computers for spreadsheet applications, dedicated use with low memory need devices
                    (heart watch interface, Wingate software)

Software:        FitnessGram
                        Nutritionist Pro Nutrition Analysis Software
                        Fitness Publisher Software
                       A.D.A.M. Interactive Physiology (CV, Respiratory, Muscular)
                    Ultra Coach, Personal Training Software
                    Personal Trainer - Strength Training Software


Abstracts of Selected Student Research:

Cardiovascular Response to  Prescribed RPE in Men and Women: Arm vs Leg Exercise
Tim Cornman, Michael Kelso and Steve Stierley
Human Performance Lab
Grand Valley State University

The purpose of this study was to examine the cardiovascular response to a prescribed RPE for arm and leg ergometer exercise between men and women. Eight subjects (4 men: age= 22.8 + 0.5, Ht= 72.0 + 2.8in, Mass= 197.8 + 54.1 lbs %Fat= 11.3 + 2.6 ; 4 women: age = 24.0 + 5.4, Ht= 65.3 + 1.0, Mass= 137.5 + 7.1, % Fat= 20.75 + 1.7) completed 15 minutes of exercise on a leg and an arm ergometer (Monark). Subjects were instructed to refer to the RPE scale and select a load that corresponded to a “6 (Tired)” on the scale. They were given a  5 min worm-up, 5 min adjustment stage and 5 min to ride at steady state RPE. Heart Rate(Polar) and blood pressure were assessed for each exercise mode. Results showed no significant differences for heart rate response to either mode between men (Arm = 140.8 + 34.6bpm, Leg = 151.3 + 23.5) and women (Arm = 131.5 + 5.45 bpm, Leg = 150.0 + 17.2). Both men and women chose intensities near 70% of age predicted maximal heart rate. Systolic and Diastolic Blood pressure was significantly higher in men during  arm exercise than women. Of note is the systolic pressure, which changed dramatically in men from rest (127.8) to arm exercise (151.5) compared to women (rest= 115.5, exercise= 128.8). RPE appears to be a valid means of prescribing moderate exercise on both leg and arm ergometry.

Rate of Fatigue in GVSU Women’s Soccer Players
Heath Hansen and Amy VanderKooi
Human Performance Lab
Grand Valley State University

The purpose of this study was to measure the rate of fatigue and strength to body weight ratios during leg extension exercise in GVSU Women Soccer players. Ten subjects (age= 19.2 + 1.1y, Ht =64.9 + 2.8in,  Mass = 151.0 + 16.4 lbs,  % Fat = 22.0 + 0.03) volunteered to complete a peak torque leg extension test for the right and left leg (60deg/s) as well as a fatigue test (15 reps @ 240 deg/s). Peak torque/body weight ratios and fatigue index (ending torque/start torque)*100) was calculated for each subject. Data showed no significant differences in mean peak torque between the right (107.7 + 17.9 ft-lbs) and left (108.0 + 14.4 ft-lbs) leg. In addition fatigue index was also no different (rt = 23.2 + 18.05%, lt = 20.3 + 7.5%). However individual data do show a grouping of injured and non injured players for peak torque/BW and a wide range in fatigue index values. These results indicate that the strength and fatigue tests may help identify injured players or players with potential to injure. They can also help establish consistent criteria for return to play indices.

Quadriceps and Hamstring Strength: Muscle Balance and Performance
Joe Frees, Sam Glass and Michelle Smith
Human Performance Lab
Grand Valley State University

The purpose of this study was to test the muscle balance of the leg flexors and extensors at slow and fast velocities. We also sought to relate the muscle balance to a simple sprint test. Fourteen subjects (age =20.1 + 1.5 ht =67.3 + 3.1 mass=142.8 + 18.7 % fat = 14.6 + 4.9)  completed maximal leg extension and flexion exercise using an isokinetic leg dynamometer (CybexII) at 30 and 240 degrees/second.  Only the right leg was used for comparison. Subjects also completed a 150m sprint, with time recorded manually. Hamstring to quadriceps strength ratio was calculated (Ham/quad) for each speed. Results showed that while peak torque was significantly greater for 30 ( Ext=116.1 + 17.8 Flex =77.7+ 13.7 ) compared to 240 (Ext =63.0 + 18.1 Flex =43.3 + 12.4 ) there were no differences in Ham/Quad between 30 and 240 deg/s. There was a poor correlation (r=-.35) between Ham/Quad 240 and 150m sprint. We conclude that contraction velocity does not influence Ham/Quad ratio.

Force Estimation in Dominant and Non-Dominant Forearm Flexors
Kelly Wiers and Julie Schaaf
Human Performance Lab
Grand Valley State University

The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of a force estimation effort and the influence of handedness. Ten subjects (7 male,3 female, age= 23.1 + 2.0y, HT= 70.5 + 2.8in, Mass =193.5 + 48.2lbs, % fat=14.7 + 7.5). Subjects completed maximal hand grip dynamometer testing (2 trials) for both their dominant (DOM) and non-dominant (NONDOM) hand. Following the maximal efforts, subjects exerted an estimated half (50%) strength grip effort with each hand. Results showed that grip strength was not significantly different for DOM (48kg) vs NONDOM( 50kg). However estimated force for both DOM (65%) and NONDOM(69%) were significantly greater than the target of 50%. These results suggest that handedness does not influence force estimation during hand grip exercise, and that other, more central factors play a role. The accuracy of force estimation  is not precise. Future studies may examine the effect of training on force estimation.

Strength to Body Weight Ratios in Trained Men and Women
Ryan Baranowski Brett Vaughn Dana Robinett
Human Performance Lab
Grand Valley State University

The purpose of this study was to compare the strength to body weight ratios for upper body vs lower body lifts between trained men and women Ten subjects (5 men, 5 women: age- 21.3 + 1.3y, Ht 70.0 + 5.1”, %Fat = 18.3 + 4.7, RHR 78.5 + 9.1) completed 1RM strength testing using the flat bench (men = 328.0 + 65.4 lbs, women = 111.0 + 18.5 lbs) and the Hip Sled (men = 1010.0 + 81.2 lbs, women= 532.0 + 116.4lbs). Strength to Body weight ratios were calculated for both upper body (1RM/BW) and lower body. Comparisons between gender were made using independent means t-tests. Results showed that lower body strength/BW was significantly greater for both men and women during lower body lifting (Men = 3.8 + 0.3, Women = 3.7 + 0.5) compared to upper body lifting (Men= 1.45 + 0.2, Women= 0.78 + 0.13). Men had significantly higher strength to body weight ratios for upper body strength, while there were no differences in lower body strength relative to body weight. This relationship was the same when computed against lean body weight. These results indicate that men have significantly more upper body strength than women.