Research Papers for PLS 300


Suggestions for research paper topics. 

Library resources

Quality of Governance Dataset:

Cross-sectional and Time Series data in R Workspace format. (The qogcs is the cross-sectional data, while the qogts is the time series.  load the R workspace then type ls()).

Cross sectional Dataset in .CSV format


The following variables, while not listed in the codebook, are available for use in each of these projects:

Variables in the Terrorism SDA database

•Region of Attack (REGION)

•Year of Attack (YEAR)

•Goal of attack: Political, Economic, Religious, or Social Goal (CRITERION1)

•Intent of the Attack: Coerce, Intimidate or Publicize (CRITERION2)

•Outside International Humanitarian Law? (CRITERION3)

•Psychosocial Consequences (PSYCHOSOCIAL)

•Attack Type - Alternative Categorization (ATTACK_TYPE0)

•Target of Attack (TARGET_TYPE)