I have research projects in progress in the following areas:
The primary instrument used in our spectroscopic work is a very high spectral resolution, high sensitivity, absorption spectrometer that works in the region of 1600 nm. Its light source is an external cavity diode laser. At present we use a multipass Herriot cell to study pressure broadening effects on overtone infrared lines. This work is carried out in collaboration with Professor Stephanie Schaertel.
Students with interests in computational work and computer
programming may enjoy computational projects. These projects involve
both electronic structure calculations
and dynamics and kinetics calculations that describe the
motions of the atoms during collisions and reactions. We use both
classical and quantum mechanical models. For the calculations we use
the computational cluster in the chemistry department and national
supercomputer facilities. Several projects involve collaborations
with experimental and theoretical research groups around the world.
One current computational project is a
study of the quenching of electronically excited oxygen
in the atmosphere.
I also enjoy playing pool. The photograph at left was taken by Bernadine Carey-Tucker for a piece in Grand Valley Magazine.
The book was accompanied by a free program ("SDAS") that extends Microsoft Excel to perform most of the data analysis tasks required in the physical chemistry laboratory, including nonlinear fits with good treatment of the errors in data and fitted parameters. Arthur Halpern and colleagues have now published a description of a newer version of this program called SDAT, and the installation files are available as supplementary information from their article; see Arthur M. Halpern, Stephen L. Frye, and Charles J. Marzzacco, J. Chem. Educ. 95(6), 1063 (2018); DOI:10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00084.
Imsim, and its accompanying image fitting program (never released publicly) have returned to active development after a dormant period of several years. If you are interested in them, please contact me by email so I can let you know about recent developments.
As of 2 May 2018 there is a beta version, Imsim3 . It permits modeling of bimolecular reactions (A+B -> C + D), slice imaging, and photoexcited colliders, and lets users enter changes in internal energy directly rather than computing them from simple rigid-rotor formulas. Output images will not be bitwise-identical to the old version for identical inputs, because I also changed the procedure used to determine the limits on the integration over time before the laser pulse. However, I do not expect (and would like to be told about!) any changes large enough to be physically meaningful.
As of September 2018 a much expanded treatment of polarization effects for one-photon detection has been added, permitting use of scattering angle dependent alignment moments Aq{k}(θ). This new version is just starting to be used; please contact me if you are interested. I don't intend to post a new version until the existing one has been more thoroughly vetted and an equivalent treatment of 2-photon probes has been included.
Last modified: Tue Nov 27 09:18:22 Eastern Standard Time 2018