University Libraries
Developing and Adopting a
Unit Faculty Governance Structure

Bylaws DRAFT #5 (7/21/2006): Comment period #2: DIGEST
20 July - 3 August



We had a good discussion on 7/13, agreed on some broad revisions to the draft proposal, and asked three small groups to focus on some specfic areas:
1) K.Ranger, V.Long --revise 'Function' and 'Powers and Duties' language in Library Faculty Council, renamed Library Faculty Assembly
2) P.Parker, B.Schoofs --flesh out the elements of the Faculty Development and Retention standing committee
3) L.De Wind, A.Merkle --flesh out the elements of the Curricular Support & Assessment standing committee

Many thanks to the small group members for the work they've done during the last week. It's time to take a look at the new draft of the proposed bylaws, or University Libraries faculty organizational document, and get your new input:
* Have questions/concerns you had before been addressed to your satisfaction?
* Have new questions/concerns been introduced?
* Are there things you'd like to add for consideration in the areas we haven't talked about specifically yet?
As before, please send me what's on your mind, and I'll append it anonymously to a new 'Comments' digest page; I'll take comments up to 4pm Wed. 8/2. We meet again on Thurs. 8/3, 1:30-3pm.

All the materials can be found on the web at
Links include the newest revision of the draft, "Draft 5" and a new chart to go with it, and a link to the digest for Comment Period #2.

Thanks for keeping up with this, along with all of the other action around here!


Comments submitted 20 July - 3 August, by topic/category:

Procedural issues

re: Procedural issues: I think we should model all the committees the same. Once each of the small committee "writers" come up with ideas and verbiage we should vote on the best model and keep any committees that same as to elections and chairs etc. (Unless it is an ad hoc committee for a short term).
re: Procedural issues; Library Assembly: In the first section (on the Assembly), last paragraph, on Terms, the wording is confusing to me, specifically, how academic year and calendar year are used. They appear to be contradicting each other. May be the way I'm reading it.... but would you take another look at it and see if it needs additional wording, clarification?
re: Draft 5.1, Library Assembly: Procedures-- Could we take the "Faculty defined" section which just sort of hangs by itself at the very end of the main draft, and include it in the "Procedures" section? It might work as item 1. in the list.

#1 Faculty Council / #6 Faculty Assembly

re: Faculty Assembly: Should the Fac.Assembly's "powers and duties" include another clause, something about "ensuring that a process is undertaken each Winter semester to fill University Libraries seats on Unit and University academic governance committees for the next academic year"? Even if we don't spell out in detail here *how* this will be done each year, at least we will have delegated authority to someone (the Assembly Chair or his/her delegate) to see that the task gets done.
re: Faculty Assembly: Leadership -- Should we alter the requirements for who is eligible to serve as Chair of the Faculty Assembly to be someone (tenured) with at least a 3/4-time appointment? When 1/2-time phased retirement agreements are negotiated, at least as of the present, the scope of duties is pretty clearly spelled out, and would not leave time for doing a proper job of performing in this role. That may be true in a practical sense for anyone with a less than full-time appointment. Do we get specific about that in the governance document?

#3 Faculty Development & Retention Committee

re: "Faculty Development and Retention Committee": Function-- please define "scholarly activity assistance." Who provides this? Is it inside the Library - or outside assistance? What role does this committee play in providing this assistance?
re: Faculty Development and Retention Committee: "professional development" --I was under the impression (mistaken?) that part of Millie's job description (and possibly Doug's) was to alert faculty to professional development opportunities and be a source to recommend and direct faculty to specific professional development events. Would this be a duplication for this committee if this is part of the Collection Development and Head of Liberal Arts Programs job descriptions or expectations for these positions?

#4 Curricular Support Committee (was Curricular Support & Assessment Committee)

re: University Libraries Curricular Support Committee: includes "assessments of materials, tools and instruction" but not service? Are services going to be assessed only by non-faculty groups, or should they be included here? Is that why the word assessment was dropped from the title of the committee? Don't Course Reserve, Doc Delivery, and the way we interact with the public at Circ & Ref, etc., support the curriculum?

#5 Ad Hoc Committees & Task Forces

#7 Library Administrative Council

#9 The Unit

Faculty Governance / University Service