JPN 380
Japan's Road


W 11-11:50 am

Jeremy Robinson
Office: D-2-136 Mackinac Hall
Office Hours: T•R noon-1pm

Mackinac B-1-124

In 1940 Japan stands at a crossroads, at an impasse in the war with China as the U.S. and Britain threaten economic sanctions that will further deprive the Empire of vital natural resources. Increasingly isolated from its former allies, Japan is forced to make a hard choice: risk war with the US by annexing resource-rich Southeast Asia or withdraw from China and risk losing the colonies on which it has become dependent. Every faction has its view about how best to proceed, but are they concerned with the well-being of the Empire or merely motivated by their own self-interest? Few want a war against the U.S. in the Pacific, and even fewer believe such a war is winnable... but might it be inevitable?

This one-credit course centers on a long-form role-playing game played over the course of the semester, in which students take on the roles of Japanese officials in one of five factions: the imperial court, the army, the navy, the bureaucracy, and the zaibatsu. These competing interests will shape the game and determine whether Japan chooses to go to war with the U.S. or pulls back from the brink and seeks reconciliation instead. Each faction has it’s own goals and pursues its own set of victory conditions, and students will immerse themselves in the politics and intellectual currents of the time in order to convince other factions that theirs is the only way forward.

This course uses the "Japan, the West, and the Road to World War" game created by John Moser of Ashland University. It was created as part of the Reacting to the Past project, dedicated to producing high-impact student experiences through in-class role-playing games, immersing students in the network of decisions that led to some of the most momentous events of history. The book for this game is not yet published, so all student materials will be distributed in class or as pdfs via Blackboard. No previous experience with Japanese language or culture, or with classroom role-playing, is required. However, a far higher degree of student involvement will be required than is expected in other courses. Students are not merely passive receptors, but must take an active role in the proceedings for the course to progress.

Grades will be assessed as follows:

Attendance and Participation
Formal Speaking
Formal Writing
Final Report



Each class will take the form of one in a series of Imperial Conferences, at which petitions will be presented by the Cabinet and Supreme Command to His Majesty, the Emperor. Prior to each class, students will collaborate with the other members of their faction to determine what propals they wish to be submitted. These must be formal, written petitions that are circulated to all students prior to each Imperial Conference, and the bulk of class preparation will be spent in preparing these petitions, as well as other public written documents depending on the trajectory of the game. These writings will make up your "Formal Writing" grade. Your "Formal Speaking" grade will be based on your presentations at the Imperial Conferences, participation in debates, etc. "Attendance" is obvious, but "participation" is a reflection of how well you have prepared for and take part in each class session. And your "final report" is brief final paper describing the events that occurred in class from the point of view of your character. Keeping a journal throughout the class is recommended and will make this report very easy to produce.

The first few weeks will be focused on learning the background of Japan leading up to the critical moment of 1940. During this time, your focus should be on familiarizing yourself with the historical moment and the worldview that informed the decisions you will be making. Roles will not be assigned until the Feb. 10th class, and the game rules will be explained in full on Feb. 17th, with the game beginning in earnest after that. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Class Schedule Winter 2016

Jan. 13th

Preview, Introductions

Jan. 20th

Introduction to the Class and RTTP

Jan. 27th

Background: Modern Japan

Read: Japan and Imperialism pp. 11-40


Feb. 3rd

Background: Bushidô and State Shintô

"Spiritual Mobilization," Game Book pp. 3-8
"Historical Context," Game Book pp. 4-24
"Selected Passages on Bushido," Game Book pp. 53-60
"Imperial Rescript for Soldiers and Sailors," Game Book pp. 61-62
"State Shinto," Sources of Japanese Tradition pp. 118-125 (BB)

Feb. 10th

Background: Japan and the West

"The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi," Game Book pp. 63-75
"An Encouragement of Learning," Game Book pp. 76-79
"Good-Bye Asia," Game Book pp. 80-82
"Civilization and Enlightenment," Sources of Japanese Tradition pp. 30-42 (BB)
"The High Tide of Pre-War Liberalism," Sources of J. Tradition pp. 148-163 (BB)

In Class: Roles assigned

Feb. 17th

The Rules of the Game

"Game Rules," Game Book pp. 25-49
"Fundamentals of our National Polity," Game Book pp. 83-117
Victory Goals, etc. specific to your faction (handed out in previous class)

In Class: Character Introduction, Discussion of Game Rules

Feb. 24th

First Imperial Conference (July-Sept, 1940)

Prepare: Petitions from your faction to the Imperial Conference


Feb. 2nd

Second Imperial Conference (Oct-Dec, 1940)

Prepare: Petitions from your faction to the Imperial Conference


Spring Break - No class Mar. 9th

Mar. 16th

Third Imperial Conference (Apr-June, 1941)

Prepare: Petitions from your faction to the Imperial Conference


Mar. 23rd

Fourth Imperial Conference (July-Aug, 1941)

Prepare: Petitions from your faction to the Imperial Conference


Mar. 30th

Fifth Imperial Conference (Sept-Oct, 1941)

Prepare: Petitions from your faction to the Imperial Conference


Apr. 6th

Sixth Imperial Conference (November, 1941)

Prepare: Petitions from your faction to the Imperial Conference


Apr. 13th

Game Resolution/Post-Mortem

Apr. 20th


"Culminating Experience" - Wednesday April 27th, 10-11:50 am