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Jamie Kalinowski
Dream Journal (excerpt)

I was working at a salon I used to work at; of course things were weird. I walked out to this hall that went outside because my puppy Kyser was barking. This client walked in and she threw her keys really hard at my dog and hit him. I started yelling at her—I exploded at her. I was crying and yelling; she was doing the same, saying that I’m not taking care of him right. I had to sit in the breakroom until I was cooled off. Later she came back there and giving me some sort of test because she was a therapist or psychologist or something. She tried to analyze my answers.

I was by myself at a water part and I had to climb these floating stairs to get to the main ride. I got to it (it was a ship) and the water which was a large body of water got really rough and the boat tipped over and people were swimming all around. Somehow I grabbed onto something. This wasn’t supposed to happen to the ship. I got back to the locker room where everyone went and was telling everyone about it. I ended up in the dentist’s office and she took out 2 of my teeth. She said she didn’t have time to put them back until the next day. I was upset and had to work. One of the teeth was in the back, which was fine but the other one was next to my front tooth. I couldn’t even smile! (I have many recurring dreams that my teeth are very loose.)

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