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Robyn Kane
Dream Journal (excerpt)

I was at my parents’ house sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang. It was late at night and I was afraid to answer the door. When I went to the door, no one was there. I looked towards my driveway and saw a mysterious woman walking down it. She turned back and looked at me and headed back up the driveway. She started to pick my mom’s dead flowers in the yard so I yelled at her not to pick them. She handed the flower to me and it came back to life along with the other flowers that were dying. I put it in a vase and the flower flew out and shriveled up. I wanted to lock the door—this lady was creepy, but my parents let her go upstairs. Then my dad sent her outside to go on the roof and fix a hole. He said that she had a magic touch.

I went to see the movie The Nutty Professor with my friend Phil. They turned the movie off before it was actually over. I looked around and saw signs that said all shows end at 11:00 pm. We got into Phil’s car and he began to drive away. I was cleaning out my purse and I pulled peanuts, then dried fruit out from the bottom of my purse. I thought that Phil would think that I was really gross. I looked at the window next to me, and a caterpillar and a tiny raccoon came from my purse so I opened the window and tried to push them out.

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