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Jill Charbonneau
Dream Journal (excerpt)

I went into a tanning salon, only I had my hamster with me in his little pink exercise ball. At first I went into my room, but I was afraid to change because people kept walking by. There was no back wall to my room. I complained to the girls at the front desk who just happened to be Shelly and Amber (my managers when I worked at Express). They showed me to another room that had all four walls. So I set my hamster down and started tanning, but the whole time I was in the bed I was paranoid that he would run away, so I got out and positioned my clothes around him so that he couldn’t go anywhere. At this point I don’t know how I got to the next part of the dream, but I was stuck on a swimming platform in the middle of a huge lake/ocean. I still had my hamster in his ball. I was trying to figure out what to do when he rolled off the edge and into the water. The ball had disappeared and I had to jump into the water and save him. I managed to get him out and climb back up to the platform, and saw the ball floating away with the waves. At some point, my hamster turned into a pet fish and I decided I wanted to show it what the real ocean was like. So we went scuba diving and I was pointing out stuff like “see, that’s a dolphin.” That later transformed into us being in a fancy aquarium and my fish was now in a little tank. Now I was still showing him the other fish and sea animals, but doing it by holding up his tank to the glass. I decided I should let him live somewhere where he could be more free and with other fish so I threw him into this big tank that had a whole bunch of other fish that were changing colors. At fist he wasn’t used to the salt water and started coughing, but eventually, he got used to it.

There was a wrestling event going on and my boyfriend Matt’s aunt Kim worked at the arena it was being held at. I really wanted to get backstage and meet some of the wrestlers for some reason, so I got Matt’s aunt to let me go “behind the scenes.” She let me go in the back stage area. She went back to her office and I proceeded to walk through a bunch of brightly lit hallways, trying to find the main area where the wrestlers hung out. I went up some stairs and found the VIP area, only the security guard wouldn’t let me go any further. I tried telling him that I knew Kim, but he didn’t believe me. So I walked around some more. I saw Amy (a classmate from high school). She was fighting with her boyfriend and crying. I said hi and whispered in her ear that I’d be around if she needed someone to talk to. Then I saw Jenny (another girl from h.s.). She was working as a nurse and helping the wrestlers when thy got hurt. This VIP area turned into a store, but he gate was down and only the VIP people could go in. I tried telling this random girl that she couldn’t go in, but she said, “oh yeah, watch this!” and she snuck under the gate while the guard had his back turned and started going through racks of clothes. But then the guard turned around, saw her and kicked her out. So I gave up on getting past the guard and decided to go out into the stands. Matt (another h.s. classmate) was there in the audience, and Stone Cold Steve Austin was standing in the aisle talking to him. Shortly after, Matt turned into my uncle Bob. Stone Cold was like, “Oh yeah, I’ve known your dad and your uncle here for a long time.” So I was like, “Cool, can you get me into the backstage area?” and he was like, “Sure!”

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