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Michael Olejarczyk
Dream Journal (excerpt)

I was standing next to my sister’s dresser and she was staring at me with a terrified look on her face. At first I ignored her, but it got to the point where I had to ask what was wrong. She replied with only two words, “Your eyes.” I looked into the mirror and said, “They have no pupils,” as I could see her mouthing the same thing behind me in the mirror.

There is this man standing in the middle of this grassy field. He is extremely happy and all he is doing is bouncing slightly up and down wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Surrounding him are little white creatures that bounce up and down and jump around. They seem happy as well. They are about the size of a softball and have two lanky legs. It’s very sunny out and the sky is a bright blue color. After a while, the little creatures begin to die off one by one. It doesn’t bother the man until every last one is dead. Once they all die he begins to cry, but as his tears hit the ground they produce the little white creatures again and the process repeats itself. I have no clue what this one means.

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