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Heather Walters
Surrealist Text (excerpt)

(Editor’s note: These “narratives” were based on a process of fusing together disparate fragments of story and dialogue encountered while channel surfing. The inspiration for this project was the early Surrealist practice of wandering in and out of movies in progress, allowing the different film fragments to merge into one hybridized narrative.)

...Frozen with fear, they both stand, mouths dropped, watching as more and more of the horrific sight is revealed. Lying in the bathtub, face down, is a middle-aged woman. The tub is filled with water now stained red from the blood escaping the woman’s injuries. Unable to stand, the woman investigator falls to her knees covering her face with her hands. The man kneels down to comfort her only for a brief second as he realizes that they now might be in danger.

He helps her to her feet and they exit the room in a hurry. They glance down the hall to see if anyone else has joined them and find it empty. Remembering their encounter with the man and boy they choose to find a different exit. They turn and walk around towards the back of the house. They enter a room that looks like some kind of library. To their surprise, they see a large group of young children standing on a stage.

They appear to be about seven or eight years old and are all unusually dressed like Abraham Lincoln. Their black top hats are made out of construction paper, which coincides with the pasted on beards. They all stand calmly looking out at the frantic couple. The children begin to recite the Declaration of Independence in unison. Confused, the two investigators continue on to the next room. Here they find a door leading to the outside. They push their way through it and run deep into the woods.

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