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Kate Aughey
Dream Journal

I am in a house that seems to be empty and for sale. In front of me are three TVs on three cabinets in the living room. Each has a VCR and all the TVs, cabinets and VCRs are all different. I stand in front of them trying to decide which is the biggest. I hear water gushing and look behind one of the TVs to find a showerhead with the hose cut spraying water. When I ask my mum about it she says that my dog brought it down from upstairs. I am not surprised to see the water, even though the showerhead is not connected to anything. I begin to stack colored blocks representing the housing prices of decades before and the present day, and cant understand why they always end up the same height.

I am living in the Calder residence but it has changed into a huge old building where everything is made of wood. Mackenzie’s sister and brother-in-law have come to visit and her sister gives me a bright yellow wool sweater that is too big for me. I tell her that it’s exactly the same as one my mum gave me. I hug her to say thank you. We are all hanging out and Becky and Terrance are also there. Mackenzie sits on her sister’s lap the whole time and cries whilst staring at us. I remember I have to go downstairs to feed my fish. There is a huge fish tank on a tall sideboard. The fish are also huge and I can’t reach the top of the tank. Before I can feed them, one of them leaps out of the tank and thrashed around on the floor. When I look up close, the fish has turned silver and the edges of the scales and fins are red. I leave the fish and go upstairs to tell the others what happened. When I get to my room, they have moved everything out of my room and onto a huge balcony that I hadn’t noticed before.

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