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Exquisite Corpses (Verbal)

Exquisite Corpses

The slimy chimneysweep haphazardly shot the shoe.

Silver toenails escaped with the sandpaper awkwardly.

An ugly umbrella smoothly dismemered the grave.

A placid pillbox wrote scandelously on his finger the word: soup.

A filthy radio carefully rubbed a baguette.

The tacky car scrubbed a plum animalistically.

A surrealistic dentist increasingly came across fat men.


Question and Answer

Q: What is a passion flower?
A: It is three times a lady.

Q: What is a woman in a black jacket?
A: It is a joyful embrace on a summer morning.

Q: What is a man's motivation for climbing a tree?
A: It is the answer to all of life's questions.

Q: What is an orchestra?
A: It is a colorful flower.

Q: What is an ear?
A: It is an imbalance in the cerebral neurocortex resulting in
explosive visual colors.

Q: What is a painting?
A: It is a musical knome.

Q: Why did Castro get the key?
A: Because rattlesnakes like to bite at the ankles of kings.

Q: Why is there a balloon on the ceiling?
A: Because Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream."

Q: Why are we playing these games?
A: Because the Bible tells us to.

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