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Evelyn Derico

I saw a punk boy standing at the bus stop near Kirkhof.  I talked to him, and he introduced himself as Erik.  He was wearing a black bowler hat, which he frequently wears in real life.  His shaggy blonde hair was sticking out from under it.  His hair and outfits kept changing between his bowler hat, blonde hair and a blazer to green hair, a t-shirt and baggy ripped jeans throughout my dream.  We ended up going to the Fieldhouse together, but in my dream, campus was all mixed up.  The Fieldhouse was where Manitou Hall is in real life.  That day, Grand Valley was holding some sort of dance.  The line to get into the dance lined up all the way around the entrance to Fresh Food Co, where it was being held.  I kept trying to bump the line, but the rapper Ludacris was there with a girl on each arm.  I tired to sneak by him, but he hold me I could not go into the dance because I had “spacey teeth.”  I noticed that bunnies were all over campus.  Apparently, someone had let them loose from a lab as a protest against animal cruelty.  All the rabbits had light brown fur and white tails, but varied in size.  One student was trying to wrestle a particularly large one into a cage.  (This particular rabbit was about the size of the student.)  I kept seeing these rabbits especially, silhouetted in areas throughout campus.  One very vivid image was the silhouette of a bunny in the overhang/tunnel area between Manitou and Mackinac Halls.  I finally got fed up with not being able to get into the dance and decided to go back to my apartment.  I was suddenly barefoot walking toward the bus stop in the grass.  I stepped on something sharp and thought I had gotten a bee sting, but did not remove the sharp object.  When I got on the bus I ran into Erik again and he asked me what was wrong with my foot.  I showed him the “bee sting” which hurt a lot and was in deep on the sole of my foot.  I took out the object, and it was a tiny pipe with an arrow carved into the bowl. 

I was showing a Vincent Price film to my film class for a project.  The film started out normal/happy and then turned into a very creepy film about Navy Seals who had to get a diamond out from under a giant beached turtle.  I was showing the film from my computer (it was being projected to the class) and forgot that I had a messenger open.  Some guy who I did not know messaged me and said, “Hey beautiful.”  I was very embarrassed and closed the screen quickly.  Some of my classmates laughed and others did not notice and seemed frozen.  In class we had a Mexican-themed potluck.  An Indian girl brought a bunch of jewelry case displays and set them up around the classroom.  They were full of costume jewelry, but there were some that were real.  She said we could take whatever we wanted for free, and as long as we got the insignia on the jewelry boxes re-stitched by this one company, we would get to keep the jewelry.  Some of the students were saying it was a scam and not to take anything. 
I found a ring that I liked; it was s sapphire blue clay flower with a dark blue stone in the middle.  The box it came in was apple-shaped.  After class my friend Katie and I went t the student bookstore in Kirkhof which looked totally different.  Inside was very similar to a bas pro shop, with taxidermy animals everywhere and an outdoor theme.  They had many cases of the same jewelry there as well, which we looked through, and I never ended up taking anything.

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