# Mint: A Maple package for Multiple Integration of # proper-hypergeometric functions by the continuous # version of the multi-WZ method. # This is the updated and generalized version of the package # TRIPLE_INTEGRAL which was written by Doron Zeilberger. # AUTHOR: Akalu Tefera # Temple University, Math Dept. # akalu@math.temple.edu # Many thanks to Doron Zeilberger, my thesis advisor, for his helpful # suggestions and valuable support. # last update: Sept, 1999. # CAUTION: for the moment, this version of Mint runs only on Maple V Release 3 # or 2. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/freeintgrand`(intgrand, vars) return true if integrand does not contain all # the variables in vars. A message is printed in this case. `Mint/freeintgrand`:=proc(intgrand1,vars) local i,intgrand: intgrand:=normal(simplify(intgrand1)): if not type(vars,list) then ERROR(`expecting list`) fi: if member(false,convert([seq(has(intgrand,vars[i]),i=1..nops(vars))],set)) then print(`The simplified form of `, intgrand1): print(cat(` does not contain all variables in `,convert(vars,string),`.`)): RETURN(true) fi: RETURN(false): end: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/checkpoly` : checks if input is list of poly of length len. # returns list of polys by replacing 0 polys by 1 polys # if the list contain non-poly then displays ERROR msg `Mint/checkpoly`:=proc(poly,len) if nops(poly)= len then RETURN(subs(0=1,poly)) fi: ERROR(cat(convert(poly,string),` must contain `, convert(len,string),` polynomials.`)): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/notdistvars` returns true if the variable list contains multiple elements, # and false otherwise. `Mint/notdistvars`:=proc(vars) if not type(vars,list) then ERROR(` Expecting list of vars`): fi: if nops(convert(vars,set)) = nops(vars) then false else lprint(`\n The variable list in input contain the same variable twice.`): true fi: end: #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # checks the equality of the sizes of the lists lst1 and lst2 `Mint/equalsize`:=proc(lst1,lst2) if nops(lst1) <> nops(lst2) then false else true fi: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # checks the validity of the args: f, mainvar, intnvars `Mint/chkargs`:=proc(f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars1) local axvars,i: axvars:=axvars1: if axvars=[] then axvars:=mainvars: fi: if `Mint/notdistvars`(map(op,[mainvars,intnvars])) or `Mint/freeintgrand`(f, intnvars) or (not `Mint/validaxvar`(axvars,intnvars)) then NULL else [seq(args[i],i=1..nargs-1),axvars]: fi: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # checks the validity of axvars `Mint/validaxvar`:=proc(axvars,intnvars) if convert(axvars,set) intersect convert(intnvars,set) = {} then true else lprint(`\n vars of integration must not appear in auxiliary vars list.`): false fi: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `Mint/structurelst`:=proc(ansatz1,shvars) local ansatz, strlst, mono, i, j, k, vfactrs, factrs, indx, v: ansatz:=convert({op(ansatz1)},list): strlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(ansatz) do mono:=ansatz[i]: factrs:=factors(mono): if factrs[1]<>1 then ERROR(cat(` Invalid list `, convert(ansatz,string))): fi: factrs:=op(2,factrs): indx:=[seq(0,k=1..nops(shvars))]: for j from 1 to nops(shvars) while nops(factrs)<>0 do v:=shvars[j]: vfactrs:=select(has,factrs,v): if nops(vfactrs)=1 then vfactrs:=op(vfactrs): indx:=subsop(j=op(2,vfactrs),indx): factrs:={op(factrs)} minus {vfactrs}: factrs:=convert(factrs,list): elif nops(vfactrs)>1 then ERROR(cat(`invalid list `, convert(ansatz,string))): fi: od: strlst:=[op(strlst),indx]: od: strlst:={op(strlst)} minus {[seq(0,i=1..nops(shvars))]}: strlst:=convert(strlst,list): strlst: end: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/ver3or2`:=proc() local st,ver,pos,subst,verset: st:=interface(version): ver:={}: pos:=searchtext(`,`,st): while pos<>0 do subst:=substring(st,1..pos-1): ver:=ver union {subst}: st:=substring(st,pos+1..length(st)): pos:=searchtext(`,`,st): if pos=0 then ver:=ver union {st} fi: od: verset:={` Maple V`,`Maple V`,` Release 3`, `Release 3`,`Release 2`, ` Release 2`,`TTY Iris`,` TTY Iris`}: if nops(verset intersect ver) >=2 then true else false fi: end: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # `Mint/makindx` computes, given a list of nonnengative integers, a list of indices # s.t. for each entry index[i] <= min(degs[i], # tdeg-index[nops(index)]-sum(indx[j],j=1..(i-1))) holds # (for all i <= nops(degs)). `Mint/makindx`:=proc(degs,tdeg) local indx,indxset,i,j,t: t:=[list(nonnegint),nonnegint]: if not type([args],t) then ERROR(cat(`expecting an arg of type`, `list of integers(>=0), integer(>=0)`)) fi: if member(true,convert( map(proc(x) x<0 end,[op(degs),tdeg]),set)) then ERROR(cat(`expecting an arg of type`, `list of integers(>=0), integer(>=0)`)) fi: indx := [seq(0,i=1..nops(degs))]: indxset := {}: while indx[nops(indx)] <= degs[nops(degs)] do indxset:=indxset union {indx}: # increment index i := 1: while indx[i]>= min(degs[i],tdeg-indx[nops(indx)]-sum('indx[j]','j'=1..(i-1))) and (i=0)`) fi: if nops(args)=0 then ERROR(` invalid input `) fi: if member(true,convert(map(proc(x) is(x<0) end,args),set)) then ERROR(`expecting an arg of type:list of postive integers`) fi: indx := [seq(0,i=1..nops(orders))]: indxset := {}: while indx[nops(indx)] <= orders[nops(orders)] do indxset:=indxset union {indx}: # increment index i := 1: while indx[i]=orders[i] and i 2 then ERROR(` wrong number of arguments` ); fi: t:=[algebraic, list(name)]: f:=factor(simplify(f1)): if not type([args],t) then ERROR(cat(` Expecting argument of type:\n`, `algebraic expression, list of var. names`)): fi: indxlst := `Mint/makindx1`(nops(intnvar)): result:=true: for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) while result=true do indx:=indxlst[i]: siderel := {intnvar[indx[1]]=intnvar[indx[2]],intnvar[indx[2]]=intnvar[indx[1]]}: D1:=simplify(expand(eval(subs(siderel,f))/f)): result:=`Mint/chkD`(D1): od: result: end: Mint[sym]:=proc() `Mint/sym`(args) end: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/esp`:=proc(n,vars) local i,j,indxlst,s,indx,t: t:=[posint,list(name)]: if nargs > 2 then ERROR(` wrong numbr of arguments`): fi: if not type([args],t) then ERROR(cat( `Expecting an argument of type:\n`, `postive integer, variable names`)): fi: if nops(vars) < n then RETURN(0) fi: with(combinat): indxlst:=choose(vars,n): s:=0: for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) do indx:=indxlst[i]: s:= s + product(indx[j],j=1..nops(indx)): od: s: end: Mint[esp]:=proc() `Mint/esp`(args): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # given a integrand f, with integration variables intnvars extracts the # denominator of lcm(D_xj (f)/f) `Mint/extrctdenom`:=proc(f,intnvars) local result,denset,i,den: denset:={}: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do result:=diff(simplify(log(f)),intnvars[i]): result:=normal(result): den:=denom(result): denset:=denset union {den}: od: den := lcm(op(denset)): den:= factor(den): den: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given f1, `Mint/extrctP` extracts Polynomial expression in the variables: # mainvars and intnvars from f1: `Mint/extrctP`:=proc(f1,mainvars,intnvars,axvars) local p, f, expr, i, axvars1: f:=normal(f1): p:=factor(numer(f)): f:=1/denom(f): if not type(p,polynom(anything,[op(intnvars),op(mainvars)])) then axvars1:={op(axvars)} minus {op(mainvars)}: for i from 1 to nops(axvars1) do expr:=select(has,``*p,axvars1[i]): if expr<>NULL then p:=factor(simplify(p/expr)): f:=factor(f*expr): fi: od: if not type(p,polynom(anything,[op(intnvars),op(mainvars)])) then expr:=select(type,``*p,polynom(anything,[op(intnvars),op(mainvars)])): if expr<>NULL and has(expr,[op(intnvars),op(mainvars)]) then f:=factor(f*factor(simplify(p/expr))): p:=expr: elif expr<>NULL then p:=factor(simplify(p/expr)): f:=factor(f*expr): fi: fi: fi: if not type(p,polynom(anything,[op(intnvars),op(mainvars)])) then f:=factor(f*p): p:=1: fi: [p,f]: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/fa1` and `Mint/fa2` # - find the functional equation for the rational functions # R_i satisfying, for a given hypergeometric function f, # the functional equation: Operator(f) = D_y1 (R_1 f) + D_y2 (R_2 f) + ... `Mint/fa1`:=proc(p,f, mainvar,intnvars,mainorder) local i,gu: gu:=p: for i from 1 to mainorder do gu:=gu+(_a_.i)*subs(mainvar=mainvar+i,p)*simplify(subs(mainvar=mainvar+i,f)/f): od: gu:=gu - sum('YR_.i','i'=1 .. nops(intnvars)) - sum('(_R_.i) * normal(diff(simplify(log(f)),intnvars[i]))', 'i'=1..nops(intnvars)): gu: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `Mint/fa2`:=proc(p,f, mainvars,intnvars,mainords_or_strlst) local i,j,k,gu,indxlst,indx,cfindx: gu:=p: if type(mainords_or_strlst,list(nonnegint)) and nops(mainords_or_strlst)>0 then indxlst:=`Mint/makindx2`(mainords_or_strlst): else indxlst:=mainords_or_strlst: fi: for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) do indx:= op(i,indxlst): cfindx:=(cat(seq(op(j,indx),j=1..nops(indx)))): gu:=gu + (_a_.cfindx)*subs({seq(mainvars[j]=mainvars[j]+op(j,indx),j=1..nops(indx))},p)* simplify(subs({seq(mainvars[k]=mainvars[k]+op(k,indx),k=1..nops(indx))},f)/f): od: gu:=gu - sum('YR_.i','i'=1 .. nops(intnvars)) - sum('(_R_.i) * normal(diff(simplify(log(f)),intnvars[i]))', 'i'=1..nops(intnvars)): gu: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/pashet1` and `Mint/pashe2`: writes a given operator in normal form `Mint/pashet1`:=proc(p,N,mainvar,intnvars) local i,gu,p1: global F_: p1:=collect(p,N): gu:=0: F_:='F_': for i from 0 to degree(p,N) do gu:=gu+factor(coeff(p1,N,i))*F_[mainvar + i,op(intnvars)]: od: RETURN(gu): end: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/pashet2`:=proc(p,mainvars,intnvars) local i,j,factrs,indx,gu,pcffs,v,t,pos: global F_: v:=[seq(_N_.i,i=1..nops(mainvars))]: pcffs:=[coeffs(collect(p,v,'distributed'),v,'t')]: t:=[t]: gu:=0: F_:='F_': for i from 1 to nops(pcffs) do factrs:=op(2,factors(t[i])): if nops(factrs)<>0 then indx:=[seq(mainvars[j],j=1..nops(mainvars))]: for j from 1 to nops(factrs) do pos:='pos': if member(op(1,op(j,factrs)),v,'pos') then indx:=subsop(pos=op(2,op(j,factrs)) + op(pos,mainvars),indx): fi: od: gu:=gu+factor(op(i,pcffs))*F_[op(indx),op(intnvars)]: else gu:= gu + factor(op(i,pcffs))*F_[op(mainvars),op(intnvars)]: fi: od: RETURN(gu): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/cv`: given a functional equation, eq, in # Ri,YRi(=D_yi(Ri)),i=1..nops(intnvars), and some proposed # Change of dependent Variables(and hence called cv) # OldRi:=NewRi*Si, i=1..nops(intnvars). # # The output is the functional equation in the NewRi,i=1...,nops(intnvars). `Mint/cv`:=proc(S,eq,intnvars) local gu,i: gu:=eq: for i from 1 to nops(S) do gu:=subs( (_R_.i) = (_R_.i)*S[i],gu): gu:=subs((YR_.i) = S[i]*(YR_.i)+diff(S[i],intnvars[i])*(_R_.i),gu): od: `Mint/nor`(gu): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/nor`: normalizes each operands of bitu `Mint/nor`:=proc(bitu) local i,gu: gu:=0: if type(bitu,`+`) then for i from 1 to nops(bitu) do gu:=gu+normal(op(i,bitu)): od: else gu:=normal(bitu): fi: gu: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/finddeg`:=proc(eq,Ri,YRi,x) degree(collect(eq,x),x)-max(degree(collect(coeff(collect(eq,Ri),Ri),x),x), degree(collect(coeff(collect(eq,YRi),YRi),x),x)): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/spec`:=proc(a,degs,tdeg,davar) local i,j,gu,indxlst: gu:=davar: if nops(degs)=1 then for i from 0 to degs[1] do gu:=subs(a.i=0,gu): od: else indxlst:=`Mint/makindx`(degs,tdeg): for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) do gu:=subs((a.(cat(seq(indxlst[i][j],j=1..nops(indxlst[i])))))=0,gu): od: fi: RETURN(gu): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/genpol`: generates a generic polynomial with degree degs[i], in intnvars[i] # total degree tdeg, the coefficients are a.i.j... `Mint/genpol`:=proc(a,vars,degs,tdeg) local i,j,gu,gu1,indxlst,indx: gu1:={}: gu:=0: if nops(vars)=1 then for i from 0 to degs[1] do gu:=gu+(a.i)*vars[1]^i: gu1:=gu1 union {a.i}: od: else indxlst:=`Mint/makindx`(degs,tdeg): for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) do indx:=(cat(seq(op(j,indxlst[i]),j=1..nops(indxlst[i])))): j:='j': gu:=gu + (a.(indx))*product(vars[j]^op(j,indxlst[i]),j=1..nops(vars)): gu1:=gu1 union {a.(indx)}: od: fi: RETURN(gu,gu1): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/ptorpols1`: given a differential equation in Ri(y1,...), YRi:=D_yi Ri, # and prescribed degrees degR(list of degrees w.r.t each var yi) # and prescribed mainorder, solves a given equation e=0. `Mint/ptorpols1`:=proc(e,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorder,N) local i,j,eq,equ,vars1,vars,poly,polylst,Ypolylst,lu,ope: ope:=1: vars1:={}: for i from 1 to mainorder do ope:=ope+(_a_.i)*N^i: vars1:=vars1 union {_a_.i}: od: vars:=vars1: eq:=e: polylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do poly:=`Mint/genpol`(_A_.i,intnvars,degR[i],tdegR[i]): polylst:=[op(polylst),poly[1]]: vars:=vars union poly[2]: od: Ypolylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Ypolylst :=[op(Ypolylst),diff(polylst[i],intnvars[i])]: od: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do eq:=subs((_R_.i) = polylst[i],eq): od: for i from 1 to nops(Ypolylst) do eq:=subs((YR_.i) = Ypolylst[i],eq): od: equ:={coeffs(collect(eq,intnvars,'distributed'),intnvars)}: print(cat(` ... solving `,nops(equ), ` equations for `, nops(vars), ` unknowns`)): lu:=readlib(`solve/linear`)(equ,vars): if lu=NULL then RETURN(0): fi: polylst:=subs(lu,polylst): ope:=subs(lu,ope): for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do for j from 1 to nops(intnvars) do polylst:=subsop(i=`Mint/spec`(_A_.j,degR[j],tdegR[j],polylst[i]),polylst): od: od: for j from 1 to nops(intnvars) do ope:=`Mint/spec`(_A_.j,degR[j],tdegR[j],ope): od: if has(ope,vars1) then ope:=subs({seq(_a_.j = 0, j=1..mainorder)}, ope): fi: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do polylst:=subsop(i=factor(polylst[i]),polylst): od: RETURN([ope,polylst]): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # `Mint/ptorpolstik1`, like ptorplos but with random assignments of the parameters in # the list axvars `Mint/ptorpolstik1`:=proc(e,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorder, axvars) local i,eq,equ,vars,poly,polylst,Ypolylst,lu,ra: ra:=2: eq:=e: for i from 1 to nops(axvars) do eq:=subs(op(i,axvars)=ra,eq): od: vars:={}: for i from 1 to mainorder do vars:=vars union {_a_.i}: od: polylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do poly:=`Mint/genpol`(_A_.i,intnvars,degR[i],tdegR[i]): polylst:=[op(polylst),poly[1]]: vars:=vars union poly[2]: od: Ypolylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Ypolylst :=[op(Ypolylst),diff(polylst[i],intnvars[i])]: od: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do eq:=subs((_R_.i) = polylst[i],eq): od: for i from 1 to nops(Ypolylst) do eq:=subs((YR_.i)=Ypolylst[i],eq): od: equ:={coeffs(collect(eq,intnvars,'distributed'),intnvars)}: lu:=readlib(`solve/linear`)(equ,vars): if lu<>NULL then RETURN(1): else RETURN(0): fi: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # `Mint/ptorpols2`: given a differential equation in Ri(y1,...), YRi:=D_yi Ri, # and prescribed degrees degR(list of degrees w.r.t each var yi) # and prescribed mainorder, solves a given equation e=0. `Mint/ptorpols2`:=proc(e,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainords_or_strlst) local i,j,k,eq,equ,indxlst,vars1,vars,poly,polylst,Ypolylst,lu,ope,indx,cfindx: ope:=1: vars1:={}: if type(mainords_or_strlst,list(nonnegint)) and nops(mainords_or_strlst)>0 then indxlst:=`Mint/makindx2`(mainords_or_strlst): else indxlst:=mainords_or_strlst: fi: for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) do indx:= op(i,indxlst): cfindx:=(cat(seq(op(j,indx),j=1..nops(indx)))): ope:=ope + (_a_.cfindx)*product('(_N_.k)^op(k,indx)','k'=1..nops(indx)): vars1:=vars1 union {_a_.cfindx}: od: vars:=vars1: eq:=e: polylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do poly:=`Mint/genpol`(_A_.i,intnvars,degR[i],tdegR[i]): polylst:=[op(polylst),poly[1]]: vars:=vars union poly[2]: od: Ypolylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Ypolylst :=[op(Ypolylst),diff(polylst[i],intnvars[i])]: od: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do eq:=subs((_R_.i) = polylst[i],eq): od: for i from 1 to nops(Ypolylst) do eq:=subs((YR_.i) = Ypolylst[i],eq): od: equ:={coeffs(collect(eq,intnvars,'distributed'),intnvars)}: print(cat(`\n ... solving `,nops(equ), ` equations for `, nops(vars), ` unknowns`)): lu:=readlib(`solve/linear`)(equ,vars): if lu=NULL then RETURN(0): fi: polylst:=subs(lu,polylst): ope:=subs(lu,ope): for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do for j from 1 to nops(intnvars) do polylst:=subsop(i=`Mint/spec`(_A_.j,degR[j],tdegR[j],polylst[i]),polylst): od: od: for j from 1 to nops(intnvars) do ope:=`Mint/spec`(_A_.j,degR[j],tdegR[j],ope): od: if has(ope,vars1) then ope:=subs({seq(op(j,vars1) = 0, j=1..nops(vars1))}, ope): fi: polylst:=subs({seq(op(j,vars1) = 0, j=1..nops(vars1))}, polylst): for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do polylst:=subsop(i=factor(polylst[i]),polylst): od: RETURN([ope,polylst]): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # `Mint/ptorpolstik2`, like ptorplos2 but with random assignments of # the parameters in the list axvars `Mint/ptorpolstik2`:=proc(e,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainords_or_strlst, axvars) local i,j,eq,equ,vars,poly,polylst,Ypolylst,lu,ra,indxlst,indx,cfindx: ra:=2: eq:=e: for i from 1 to nops(axvars) do eq:=subs(op(i,axvars)=ra,eq): od: vars:={}: if type(mainords_or_strlst,list(nonnegint)) and nops(mainords_or_strlst)>0 then indxlst:=`Mint/makindx2`(mainords_or_strlst): else indxlst:=mainords_or_strlst: fi: for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) do indx:= op(i,indxlst): cfindx:=(cat(seq(op(j,indx),j=1..nops(indx)))): vars:=vars union {_a_.cfindx}: od: polylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do poly:=`Mint/genpol`(_A_.i,intnvars,degR[i],tdegR[i]): polylst:=[op(polylst),poly[1]]: vars:=vars union poly[2]: od: Ypolylst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Ypolylst :=[op(Ypolylst),diff(polylst[i],intnvars[i])]: od: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do eq:=subs((_R_.i) = polylst[i],eq): od: for i from 1 to nops(Ypolylst) do eq:=subs((YR_.i)=Ypolylst[i],eq): od: equ:={coeffs(collect(eq,intnvars,'distributed'),intnvars)}: lu:=readlib(`solve/linear`)(equ,vars): if lu <> NULL then RETURN(1): else RETURN(0): fi: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `Mint/symR`:=proc(Rlst,intnvars) local i, j, k, f, A, B,fA,fAj,Sn, Lst,pos, SR,Rpos, nv,indx: with(combinat): nv := nops(intnvars): A:=[seq([j,seq(i,i=1..nv)],j=1..nv)]: Sn := permute(nv): Lst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(Sn) do f:=op(i,Sn): f:={seq(j=f[j],j=1..nops(f))}: fA:=subs(f,A): Lst:=[op(Lst),fA]: od: B:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(Lst) do fA:=op(i,Lst): for j from 1 to nops(fA) do fAj:=fA[j]: if op(1,fAj)=1 then indx:=subsop(1=j,fAj): B:=[op(B),indx]: fi: od: od: SR:=0: for i from 1 to nops(B) do indx := op(i,B): pos:=op(1,indx): indx:=subsop(1=NULL,indx): Rpos:=subs({seq(op(k,intnvars)=op(op(k,indx),intnvars),k=1..nv)}, op(pos,Rlst)): SR:=SR + Rpos: od: factor(SR/nv!): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec10`:=proc(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st) local eq,gu,su,i,j,degR,tdegR,Rlst,SR,ope,mekh,N,prts,count: global D_,F_,R_: eq:=`Mint/fa1`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,mainorder): su:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))]: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do su:=subsop(i=1/polylst[i],su): od: eq:=`Mint/cv`(su,eq,intnvars): if type(eq,`+`) then prts:=[op(eq)]: eq:=0: for i from 1 to nops(prts) do eq:=factor(eq + factor(op(i,prts))): od: fi: eq:=numer(eq): degR:=[seq([seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))],j=1..nops(intnvars))]: tdegR:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(`Mint/finddeg`(eq,_R_.i,YR_.i,op(j,intnvars)), j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=convert(op(i,degR),`+`),tdegR): od: #print(``): #lprint(` ... checking existence of solution by random substitution for auxiliary vars`): count:=1: if mainorder=0 then count:=4: fi: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik1`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR, mainorder, axvars): while gu=0 and count <= 4 do for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR)) + 1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR) + nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik1`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorder,axvars): count:=count+1: od: if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: #Now trying to get a non-zero annihilator ... gu:=`Mint/ptorpols1`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorder,N); if gu=0 then for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR))+1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR)+nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik1`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR, mainorder,axvars): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): else gu:=`Mint/ptorpols1`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorder,N): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: fi: fi: if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: if gu = 1 then gu:=`Mint/ptorpols1`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorder,N): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: fi: ope:=op(1,gu): Rlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Rlst:=[op(Rlst), op(i,op(2,gu))/op(i,polylst)]: od: ope:=normal(ope): mekh:=denom(ope): ope:=numer(ope): ope:=`Mint/pashet1`(ope,N,mainvar,intnvars): for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Rlst:=subsop(i=factor(op(i,Rlst)*mekh/p), Rlst): od: if nops(intnvars) >1 and `Mint/sym`(p*f,intnvars) then SR := `Mint/symR`(Rlst,intnvars): printf(`%s%s%.2f%s\n`,` Cheers! for the success. `, ` CPU Time : `, time() -st, ` seconds.`): print(``): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': R_:='R_': RETURN([ope=sum('D_[intnvars[i],R_[intnvars[i],op(subsop(i=NULL,intnvars))]* F_[mainvar,op(intnvars)]]','i'=1..nops(intnvars)), R_[op(intnvars)] = SR]): fi: printf(`%s%s%.2f%s\n`,` Cheers! for the success. `, ` CPU Time : `, time() -st, ` seconds.`): print(``): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': RETURN(ope=sum('D_[intnvars[i],op(i,Rlst)*F_[mainvar,op(intnvars)]]', 'i'=1..nops(intnvars))): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec101`:=proc(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,st) local i,j,den,den1,den11,den12,den2,dfbyf,denlst,result,polylst,maxd,factr,factrs, factrs2,indxlst,indx: result:=NULL: den:=`Mint/extrctdenom`(f,intnvars): factrs:=op(2,factors(den)): maxd:=0: for i from 1 to nops(factrs) do factr:=collect(op(1,op(i,factrs))^op(2,op(i,factrs)),intnvars,'distributed'): maxd:=max(maxd,degree(factr,{op(intnvars)})): od: if mainorder=0 then maxd:=0 fi: den1:=select(type,den,{name ^ nonnegint, name ^ 1}): if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then for i from 0 to mainorder + maxd while result=NULL do den11:=factor(den1^i): polylst:=[seq(den11,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then denlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do dfbyf:=diff(simplify(log(f)),intnvars[i]): dfbyf:=normal(dfbyf): denlst:=[op(denlst),denom(dfbyf)]: od: polylst:=[seq(normal(op(i,denlst)/gcd(den1,op(i,denlst))),i=1..nops(denlst))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then den2:=factor(den/den1): factrs:=op(2,factors(den2)): factrs2:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(factrs) while result=NULL do factr:=op(i,factrs): factr:=op(1,factr)^(op(2,factr)): factr:=factor(factr): if has(factr,intnvars) then factrs2:=[op(factrs2),factr]: polylst:=[seq(factr,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): fi: od: if nops(factrs2)>1 and result=NULL then with(combinat): indxlst:=choose(nops(factrs2),2): for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) while result=NULL do indx:=op(i,indxlst): factr:= op(indx[1],factrs2)*op(indx[2],factrs2): factr:=factor(factr): polylst:=[seq(factr,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): od: fi: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then for i from 0 to mainorder + maxd while result=NULL do den12:=factor(den1^i*den2): polylst:=[seq(den12,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then den2:=factor(den/den1): for i from 2 to mainorder + maxd while result=NULL do den12:=factor(den1*den2^i): polylst:=[seq(den12,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL then for i from 0 to mainorder+maxd while result=NULL do den1:=factor(den^i): polylst:=[seq(den1, j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL then lprint(cat(`\n could not find non-zero recurrence eq with order `, mainorder )): fi: result: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec102`:=proc(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,polylst,st) local result,maxorder,mainorder: maxorder:=6: result:=NULL: for mainorder from 0 to maxorder while result=NULL do lprint(cat(`\n ... trying to find a non-zero recurrence eq with order `, mainorder)): result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,polylst,st): od: if result=NULL then lprint(cat(` \ncould not get non-zero recurrence eq with max order `, maxorder)): fi: result: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec103`:=proc(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,st) local mainorder,maxorder,result: maxorder:=6: result:=NULL: for mainorder from 0 to maxorder while result=NULL do lprint(cat(` \n... trying to find non-zero recurrence eq with order `, mainorder)): result:=`Mint/findrec101`(p,f,mainvar,intnvars,axvars,mainorder,st): od: if result=NULL then lprint(cat(`\n could not get non-zero recurrence eq with max order `, maxorder )): fi: result: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec20`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st) local eq,gu,su,i,j,degR,tdegR,Rlst,SR,ope,mekh,prts,count: global D_, F_, R_ : eq:=`Mint/fa2`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,mainorders): su:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))]: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do su:=subsop(i=1/polylst[i],su): od: eq:=`Mint/cv`(su,eq,intnvars): if type(eq,`+`) then prts:=[op(eq)]: eq:=0: for i from 1 to nops(prts) do eq:=factor(eq + factor(op(i,prts))): od: fi: eq:=numer(eq): degR:=[seq([seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))],j=1..nops(intnvars))]: tdegR:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(`Mint/finddeg`(eq,_R_.i,YR_.i,op(j,intnvars)), j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=convert(op(i,degR),`+`),tdegR): od: #print(``): #lprint(` ... checking existence of solution by random substitution for # auxiliary vars`): count:=1: if nops({op(mainorders)})=1 and op({op(mainorders)})=0 then count:=4: fi: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR, mainorders, axvars): while gu=0 and count<=4 do for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR)) + 1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR) + nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorders,axvars): count:=count + 1: od: if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: #lprint(``) : #lprint(` Checking complete. Time used:`, time() -st): #lprint(` High probability! (but no guarantee) to get a non-zero annihilator. #`): #print(``): #lprint(`Now trying to get a non-zero annihilator ...`): print(``): gu:=`Mint/ptorpols2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorders); if gu=0 then for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR))+1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR)+nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR, mainorders,axvars): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): else gu:=`Mint/ptorpols2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorders): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: fi: fi: if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: if gu=1 then gu:=`Mint/ptorpols2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,mainorders): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL) fi: fi: ope:=gu[1]: Rlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Rlst:=[op(Rlst), op(i,op(2,gu))/op(i,polylst)]: od: ope:=normal(ope): mekh:=denom(ope): ope:=numer(ope): ope:=`Mint/pashet2`(ope,mainvars,intnvars): for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Rlst:=subsop(i=factor(Rlst[i]*mekh/p), Rlst): od: if nops(intnvars) > 1 and `Mint/sym`(p*f,intnvars) then SR := `Mint/symR`(Rlst,intnvars): printf(`%s%s%.2f%s\n`,` Cheers! for the success. `, ` CPU Time : `, time() -st, ` seconds.`): print(``): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': R_:='R_': RETURN([ope=sum('D_[intnvars[i],R_[intnvars[i],op(subsop(i=NULL,intnvars))]* F_[op(mainvars),op(intnvars)]]','i'=1..nops(intnvars)), R_[op(intnvars)] = SR]): fi: printf(`%s%s%.2f%s\n`,` Cheers! for the success. `, ` CPU Time: `, time() - st, ` seconds.`): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': RETURN(ope=sum('D_[intnvars[i],Rlst[i]*F_[op(mainvars),op(intnvars)]]', 'i'=1..nops(intnvars))): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec201`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,st) local i,j,den,den1,den11,den12,den2,result,polylst,maxd,maxord,factr,factrs,factrs2, indxlst, dfbyf, indx,denlst: result:=NULL: den:=`Mint/extrctdenom`(f,intnvars): factrs:=op(2,factors(den)): maxd:=0: for i from 1 to nops(factrs) do factr:=collect(op(1,op(i,factrs))^op(2,op(i,factrs)),intnvars,'distributed'): maxd:=max(maxd,degree(factr,{op(intnvars)})): od: maxord:=max(op(mainorders)): if maxord=0 then maxd:=0 fi: den1:=select(type,den,{name ^ nonnegint, name ^ 1}): if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then for i from 0 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den11:=factor(den1^i): polylst:=[seq(den11,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then denlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do dfbyf:=diff(simplify(log(f)),intnvars[i]): dfbyf:=normal(dfbyf): denlst:=[op(denlst),denom(dfbyf)]: od: polylst:=[seq(normal(op(i,denlst)/gcd(den1,op(i,denlst))),i=1..nops(denlst))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then den2:=factor(den/den1): factrs:=op(2,factors(den2)): factrs2:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(factrs) while result=NULL do factr:=op(i,factrs): factr:=op(1,factr)^(op(2,factr)): factr:=factor(factr): if has(factr,intnvars) then factrs2:=[op(factrs2),factr]: polylst:=[seq(factr,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): fi: od: if nops(factrs2)>1 and result=NULL then with(combinat): indxlst:=choose(nops(factrs2),2): for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) while result=NULL do indx:=op(i,indxlst): factr:= op(indx[1],factrs2)*op(indx[2],factrs2): factr:=factor(factr): polylst:=[seq(factr,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: fi: for i from 0 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den12:=factor(den1^i*den2): polylst:=[seq(den12,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then den2:=factor(den/den1): for i from 2 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den12:=factor(den1*den2^i): polylst:=[seq(den12,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL then for i from 0 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den1:=factor(den^i): polylst:=[seq(den1,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL then if nops(mainvars)=1 then lprint(cat(`\ncould not find a non-zero recurrence eq with order `, convert(op(mainorders),string), ` in `,convert(op(mainvars),string))): else lprint(cat(`\ncould not find a non-zero recurrence eq with order `, convert(mainorders,string), ` in `,convert(mainvars,string))): fi: fi: result: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/orderindx`:=proc(indx,nmainv,n) local indx1,newindx,i,j,temp,indx2: indx1:=indx: newindx:=[]: for i from 1 to nmainv do temp:=[]: for j from 1 to nops(indx1) do if op(i,indx1[j]) = n - 1 then indx2:=subsop(i=n,indx1[j]): newindx:= [op(newindx),indx2]: temp:=[op(temp),indx2]: fi: od: indx1:=temp: od: newindx: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec202`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,polylst,st) local result,maxorder,mainorders,indx,i: maxorder:=6: indx:=[]: mainorders:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(mainvars))]: indx:=[op(indx),mainorders]: for i from 1 to nops(mainvars) do mainorders:=subsop(i=1,mainorders): indx:=[op(indx),mainorders]: od: result:=`Mint/findrec2021`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,polylst,indx,st): if result=NULL then for i from 2 to maxorder while result=NULL do indx:=`Mint/orderindx`(indx,nops(mainvars),i): result:=`Mint/findrec2021`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,polylst,indx): od: fi: result: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec2021`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,polylst,indx,st) local result,mainorders,morders,i,j: result:=NULL: if not `Mint/sym`(p*f,mainvars) then with(combinat): for i from 1 to nops(indx) while result=NULL do morders:=permute(op(i,indx)): for j from 1 to nops(morders) while result=NULL do mainorders:=op(j,morders): if nops(mainvars)=1 then lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(op(mainorders),string), ` in `, convert(op(mainvars),string))): else lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(mainorders,string), ` in `, convert(mainvars,string))): fi: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: od: else for i from 1 to nops(indx) while result=NULL do mainorders:=op(i,indx): if nops(mainvars)=1 then lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(op(mainorders),string), ` in `, convert(op(mainvars),string))): else lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(mainorders,string), ` in `, convert(mainvars,string))): fi: result:=`Mint/findrec20`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,polylst,st): od: fi: result: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec203`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,st) local mainorders,maxorder,result,indx,i: maxorder:=6: indx:=[]: mainorders:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(mainvars))]: indx:=[op(indx),mainorders]: for i from 1 to nops(mainvars) do mainorders:=subsop(i=1,mainorders): indx:=[op(indx),mainorders]: od: result:=`Mint/findrec2031`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,indx,st): if result=NULL then for i from 2 to maxorder while result=NULL do indx:=`Mint/orderindx`(indx,nops(mainvars),i): result:=`Mint/findrec2031`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,indx,st): od: fi: result: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec2031`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,indx,st) local result,mainorders,morders,i,j: result:=NULL: if not `Mint/sym`(p*f,mainvars) then with(combinat): for i from 1 to nops(indx) while result=NULL do morders:=permute(op(i,indx)): for j from 1 to nops(morders) while result=NULL do mainorders:=op(j,morders): if nops(mainvars)=1 then lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(op(mainorders),string), ` in `, convert(op(mainvars),string))): else lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(mainorders,string), ` in `, convert(mainvars,string))): fi: result:=`Mint/findrec201`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,st): od: od: else for i from 1 to nops(indx) while result=NULL do mainorders:=op(i,indx): if nops(mainvars)=1 then lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(op(mainorders),string), ` in `, convert(op(mainvars),string))): else lprint(cat(`\n... trying to get a recurrence eq with order `, convert(mainorders,string), ` in `, convert(mainvars,string))): fi: result:=`Mint/findrec201`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,mainorders,st): od: fi: result: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #`Mint/findrec1` #Mint[findrec1] `Mint/findrec1`:=proc() local args1,args2,i,p,f,polylst,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,st,result: if nargs < 3 then ERROR(` Wrong number of arguments`) fi: #defining the correct args types st:=time(): t1:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name), nonnegint,list(polynom)]: t2:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name), nonnegint]: t3:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name), list(polynom)]: t4:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name)]: t5:=[algebraic,name,list(name)]: args1:=[args]: if type(args1[2],list(name)) and nops(args1[2])=1 then args1:=subsop(2=op(args1[2]),args1): fi: if nops(args1)>3 and type(args1[2],name) and type(args1[4],list(name)) and nops(args1[4])=0 then args1:=subsop(4=[args1[2]],args1): elif nops(args1)>3 and type(args1[4],list(name)) and type(args1[2],name) then if not member(args1[2],args1[4]) then args1:=subsop(4=[op(args1[4]),args1[2]],args1): fi: fi: if type(args1,t1) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n`, `integrand, main var, intn. vars, aux. vars, order,list of polynomials`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): polylst:=`Mint/checkpoly`(args1[nops(args1)],nops(args1[3])): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: result:=`Mint/findrec10`(p,f,op(args2),args1[5],polylst,st): if result=NULL then print(`could not find the required non-zero rec. eq. `): else result: fi: elif type(args1,t2) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(`Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `integrand, main vars, intn. vars, aux. vars, order`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec101`(p,f,op(args2),args1[5],st): elif type(args1,t3) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `integrand, main var, list(intn vars), list(aux. vars), list(polynomials)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): polylst:=`Mint/checkpoly`(args1[nops(args1)],nops(args1[3])): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec102`(p,f,op(args2),polylst,st): elif type(args1,t4) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `integrand, mainvar,list(intn. vars),list(aux. vars)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec103`(p,f,op(args2),st): elif type(args1,t5) then args1:=[op(args1),[args1[2]]]: args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `intgrand, main var, list(intnvars)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec103`(p,f,op(args2),st): else ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `integrand, main var, list(intn. vars),list( aux. vars), order`, `list(polynomials)`, `\nor `, `integrand, main vars, intn. vars, list(aux. vars), order`, `\nor `, `integrand, main var, list(intn vars), list(aux. vars), list(polynomials)`, `\nor `, `integrand, mainvar,list(intn. vars),list(aux. vars)`, `\nor `, `intgrand, main var, list(intnvars)`)): fi: end: Mint[findrec1]:=proc() `Mint/findrec1`(args): end: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # `Mint/findrec2` # Mint[findrec2] `Mint/findrec2`:=proc() local args1,args2,i,p,f,setdf,polylst,t1,t12,t2,t22,t3,t32,t4,t42,t43,t44,st: if nargs< 3 then ERROR(` Wrong number of arguments`) fi: #defining the correct args types st:=time(): t1:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name),list(name), list(nonnegint),list(polynom)]: t12:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name), nonnegint,list(polynom)]: t2:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name),list(name), list(nonnegint)]: t22:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name), nonnegint]: t3:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name),list(name), list(polynom)]: t32:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name), list(polynom)]: t4:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name),list(name)]: t42:=[algebraic,name,list(name),list(name)]: t43:=[algebraic,name,list(name)]: t44:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name)]: args1:=[args]: if type(args1,{t12,t22,t32,t42,t43}) then ERROR(` For recurrence operator in ONE variable, use findrec1`): fi: if type(args1,t44) then args1:=[op(args1),args1[2]]: fi: if type(args1[2],list(name)) and type(args1[4],list(name)) then setdf:={op(args1[2])} minus {op(args1[4])}: if setdf<>{} then args1:=subsop(4=[op(args1[4]),op(setdf)],args1): fi: fi: if type(args1,t1) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type :\n`, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn. vars),list(aux. vars),`, ` list(nonnegint),list(polynom)`)): fi: if not `Mint/equalsize`(args1[2],args1[5]) then ERROR(args1[2], args1[5],` must be of equal size`): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): polylst:=`Mint/checkpoly`(args1[nops(args1)],nops(args1[3])): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec20`(p,f,op(args2),args1[5],polylst,st): elif type(args1,t2) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars),`, ` list(nonnegint),list(polynom)`)): fi: if not `Mint/equalsize`(args1[2],args1[5]) then ERROR(args1[2], args1[5],` must be of equal size`): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec201`(p,f,op(args2),args1[5],st): elif type(args1,t3) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars),`, `list(polynom)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): polylst:=`Mint/checkpoly`(args1[nops(args1)],nops(args1[3])): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec202`(p,f,op(args2),polylst,st): elif type(args1,t4) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(seq(args1[i],i=1..4)): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec203`(p,f,op(args2),st): else ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars),`, ` list(nonnegint),list(polynom)`, `\nor `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars),`, ` list(nonnegint)`, `\nor `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars),`, `list(polynom)`, `\nor `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(intn vars),list(aux. vars)`)): fi: end: Mint[findrec2]:=proc() `Mint/findrec2`(args): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec30`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st) local eq,gu,su,i,j,degR,tdegR,Rlst,SR,ope,mekh,prts,count: global D_, F_, R_ : eq:=`Mint/fa2`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,strlst): su:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))]: for i from 1 to nops(polylst) do su:=subsop(i=1/polylst[i],su): od: eq:=`Mint/cv`(su,eq,intnvars): if type(eq,`+`) then prts:=[op(eq)]: eq:=0: for i from 1 to nops(prts) do eq:=factor(eq + factor(op(i,prts))): od: fi: eq:=numer(eq): degR:=[seq([seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))],j=1..nops(intnvars))]: tdegR:=[seq(0,i=1..nops(intnvars))]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(`Mint/finddeg`(eq,_R_.i,YR_.i,op(j,intnvars)), j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=convert(op(i,degR),`+`),tdegR): od: #print(``): #lprint(` ... checking existence of solution by random substitution for # auxiliary vars`): count:=1: if max(op(map(degree,strlst)))=0 then count:=4: fi: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR, strlst, axvars): while gu=0 and count<=4 do for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR)) + 1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR) + nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,strlst,axvars): count:=count + 1: od: if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,strlst,axvars): if gu=0 then for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR)) + 1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR) + nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,strlst,axvars): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: #lprint(``) : #lprint(` Checking complete. Time used:`, time() -st): #lprint(` High probability! (but no guarantee) to get a non-zero annihilator. #`): #print(``): #lprint(`Now trying to get a non-zero annihilator ...`): print(``): gu:=`Mint/ptorpols2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,strlst); if gu=0 then for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do degR:=subsop(i=[seq(op(j,op(i,degR))+1,j=1..nops(intnvars))],degR): tdegR:=subsop(i=op(i,tdegR)+nops(intnvars),tdegR): od: gu:=`Mint/ptorpolstik2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR, strlst,axvars): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): else gu:=`Mint/ptorpols2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,strlst): if(gu=0) then RETURN(NULL): fi: fi: fi: fi: if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL): fi: if gu=1 then gu:=`Mint/ptorpols2`(eq,intnvars,degR,tdegR,strlst): if gu=0 then RETURN(NULL) fi: fi: ope:=gu[1]: Rlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Rlst:=[op(Rlst), op(i,op(2,gu))/op(i,polylst)]: od: ope:=normal(ope): mekh:=denom(ope): ope:=numer(ope): ope:=`Mint/pashet2`(ope,mainvars,intnvars): for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do Rlst:=subsop(i=factor(Rlst[i]*mekh/p), Rlst): od: if nops(intnvars) >1 and `Mint/sym`(p*f,intnvars) then SR := `Mint/symR`(Rlst,intnvars): printf(`%s%s%.2f%s\n`,` Cheers! for the success. `, ` CPU Time : `, time() -st, ` seconds.`): print(``): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': R_:='R_': RETURN([ope=sum('D_[intnvars[i],R_[intnvars[i],op(subsop(i=NULL,intnvars))]* F_[op(mainvars),op(intnvars)]]','i'=1..nops(intnvars)), R_[op(intnvars)] = SR]): fi: printf(`%s%s%.2f%s\n`,` Cheers! for the success. `, ` CPU Time : `, time() -st, ` seconds.`): print(``): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': RETURN(ope=sum('D_[intnvars[i],Rlst[i]*F_[op(mainvars),op(intnvars)]]', 'i'=1..nops(intnvars))): end: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/findrec301`:=proc(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,st) local i,j,den,den1,den11,den12,den2,factrs,factrs2,factr,indx,indxlst,result, polylst,maxd,maxord,dfbyf,denlst: result:=NULL: den:=`Mint/extrctdenom`(f,intnvars): maxd:=0: factrs:=op(2,factors(den)): for i from 1 to nops(factrs) do factr:=collect(op(1,op(i,factrs))^op(2,op(i,factrs)),intnvars,'distributed'): maxd:=max(maxd,degree(factr,{op(intnvars)})): od: if nops(strlst)<>0 then maxord:=max(op(map(proc(x) convert(x,`+`) end,strlst))): else maxord:=0: fi: if maxord=0 then maxd:=0 fi: den1:=select(type,den,{name ^ nonnegint, name ^ 1}): if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then for i from 0 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den11:=factor(den1^i): polylst:=[seq(den11,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then denlst:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(intnvars) do dfbyf:=diff(simplify(log(f)),intnvars[i]): dfbyf:=normal(dfbyf): denlst:=[op(denlst),denom(dfbyf)]: od: polylst:=[seq(normal(op(i,denlst)/gcd(den1,op(i,denlst))),i=1..nops(denlst))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then den2:=factor(den/den1): factrs:=op(2,factors(den2)): factrs2:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(factrs) while result=NULL do factr:=op(i,factrs): factr:=op(1,factr)^(op(2,factr)): factr:=factor(factr): if has(factr,intnvars) then factrs2:=[op(factrs2),factr]: polylst:=[seq(factor(factr),j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): fi: od: if nops(factrs2)>1 and result=NULL then with(combinat): indxlst:=choose(nops(factrs2),2): for i from 1 to nops(indxlst) while result=NULL do indx:=op(i,indxlst): factr:= op(indx[1],factrs2)*op(indx[2],factrs2): factr:=factor(factr): polylst:=[seq(factr,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): od: fi: for i from 0 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den12:=factor(den1^i*den2): polylst:=[seq(den12,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL and den1<>NULL and has(den1,intnvars) then for i from 2 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den12:=factor(den1*den2^i): polylst:=[seq(den12,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL then for i from 0 to maxord + maxd while result=NULL do den1:=factor(den^i): polylst:=[seq(den1,j=1..nops(intnvars))]: result:=`Mint/findrec30`(p,f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars,strlst,polylst,st): od: fi: if result=NULL then lprint(`\n could not find a non-zero recurrence eq with the given structure list`): fi: result: end: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # `Mint/findrec3` # Mint[findrec3] `Mint/findrec3`:=proc() local ansatz,args1,args2,i,p,f,strlst, polylst,t1,t2,shvars,set1,setdf,st: if nargs < 6 then ERROR(` Wrong number of arguments`) fi: #defining the correct args types st:=time(): t1:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name),list(name),list(name), list({1,name,`*`,`^`}), list(polynom)]: t2:=[algebraic,list(name),list(name),list(name),list(name), list({1,name,`*`,`^`})]: args1:=[args]: if type(args1,{t1,t2}) then if type(args1[5],list(name)) and nops(args1[5])=0 then args1:=subsop(5=args1[2],args1): fi: if type(args1[2],list(name)) and type(args1[5],list(name)) then setdf:={op(args1[2])} minus {op(args1[5])}: if setdf<>{} then args1:=subsop(5=[op(args1[5]),op(setdf)],args1): fi: fi: if nops(args1[2])<>nops(args1[3]) or nops({op(args1[2])} intersect {op(args1[3])})<>0 then ERROR(cat(` the second and third arguments must have the same length\n`, `and no common variable name`)): fi: else ERROR(cat(`Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(shift vars),list(intn vars),`, `list(auxiliary vars), list(monomials in shift vars), list(polynom)`, `\nor `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(shift vars),list(intn vars),`, `list(auxiliary vars), list(monomials in shift vars)`)): fi: ansatz:=args1[6]: shvars:=args1[3]: set1:={seq(type(ansatz[i],polynom(integer,shvars)),i=1..nops(ansatz))}: if set1<>{true} then ERROR(cat(`invalid list `, convert(ansatz,string))) fi: strlst:=`Mint/structurelst`(ansatz,shvars): if type(args1,t1) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(args1[1],args1[2],args1[4],args1[5]): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(shift vars),list(intn vars),`, `list(auxiliary vars), list(monomials in shift vars), list(polynom)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): polylst:=`Mint/checkpoly`(args1[nops(args1)],nops(args1[4])): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(args1[1],args1[2],args1[4],args1[5]): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec30`(p,f,op(args2),strlst,polylst,st): elif type(args1,t2) then args2:=`Mint/chkargs`(args1[1],args1[2],args1[4],args1[5]): if args2=NULL then ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(shift vars),list(intn vars),`, `list(auxiliary vars), list(monomials in shift vars)`)): fi: args2:=subsop(1=NULL,args2): p:=`Mint/extrctP`(args1[1],args1[2],args1[4],args1[5]): f:=p[2]: p:=p[1]: `Mint/findrec301`(p,f,op(args2),strlst,st): else ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(shift vars),list(intn vars),`, `list(aux. vars), list(monomials in shift vars), list(polynom)`, `\nor `, `algebraic expr,list(main vars),list(shift vars),list(intn vars),`, `list(auxiliary vars), list(monomials in shift vars)`)): fi: end: Mint[findrec3]:=proc() `Mint/findrec3`(args): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # `Mint/checkrec`: takes a recurrence - involving the sysmbols F_ or D_ - and # returns True if f satisfies this recurrence. `Mint/checkrec`:=proc(rec,f) local t1,t2: t1:=[`=`,algebraic]: t2:=[list(`=`),algebraic]: if type([args],t1) then RETURN(`Mint/checkrec1`(rec,f)): fi: if type([args],t2) then RETURN( `Mint/checkrec2`(rec,f)): fi: ERROR(cat(convert([args],string),`\nmust be of type:\n`, `[rec. equation, alg. expression]\n or `, `[[rec. equation,R_[...]=rational expr.], alg. expression]`)): end: Mint[checkrec]:=proc() `Mint/checkrec`(args): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `Mint/checkrec1`:=proc(rec,f) local expr,ope,Dpart,recprt,Dprt,s: global D_,F_: ope:=lhs(rec): Dpart:=rhs(rec): D_:='D_': F_:='F_': if has(ope,D_) then expr:=select(has,ope,D_) : if has(expr,D_) then ope:=ope - expr: Dpart:=Dpart+expr: fi: fi: if has(Dpart,F_) then expr:=select(has,Dpart,F_) : if has(expr,F_) and not has(expr,D_) then ope:=ope + expr: Dpart:=Dpart - expr: fi: fi: recprt:=`Mint/evalrecprt`(ope,f): Dprt:=`Mint/evalDprt1`(Dpart,f): s:=simplify(recprt-Dprt): if s<>0 then false else true fi: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `Mint/evalrecprt`:=proc(ope,f) local summands, summand,i,j,n,v1,var, v2, sh, f1, indx,ope1: global F_,D_: F_:='F_': D_:='D_': ope1:=0: if type(ope,`+`) then summands:=[op(ope)]: for i from 1 to nops(summands) do summand:=summands[i]: sh:=select(has,summand,F_): summand:=summand/sh: indx:=[op(sh)]: f1:=f: for j from 1 to nops(indx) do v1:=indx[j]: if type(v1,`+`) then v2:={op(v1)}: n:=select(type,v2,numeric): var:=select(type,v2,name): if nops(n)=1 and nops(var)=1 then n:=op(n): var:=op(var): f1:=subs(var=var +n,f1) elif nops(n)>1 or nops(var)>1 then ERROR(` Invalid rec. equation `): fi: fi: od: f1:=simplify(summand*f1/f): ope1:=ope1 + f1: od: else sh:=select(has,ope,F_): summand:=ope/sh: indx:=[op(sh)]: f1:=f: for j from 1 to nops(indx) do v1:=indx[j]: if type(v1,`+`) then v2:={op(v1)}: n:=select(type,v2,numeric): var:=select(type,v2,name): if nops(n)=1 and nops(var)=1 then n:=op(n): var:=op(var): f1:=subs(var=var +n,f1) elif nops(n)>1 or nops(var)>1 then ERROR(` Invalid rec. equation `): fi: fi: od: f1:=simplify(summand*f1/f): ope1:=ope1 + f1: fi: RETURN(ope1): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/evalDprt1`:=proc(Dpart,f) local summands, summand,i,var, R, RF, Fprt, s: global F_,D_: F_:='F_': D_:='D_': s:=0: if type(Dpart,`+`) then summands:=[op(Dpart)]: for i from 1 to nops(summands) do summand:=summands[i]: if not (type(summand,indexed) and op(0,summand)=D_) then ERROR(` invalid rec. equation`): fi: var:=op(1,summand): RF:=op(2,summand): if RF<>0 then Fprt:=select(has,RF,F_): R:=RF/Fprt: s:=s + factor(diff(simplify(log(R*f)),var)*R): fi: od: elif type(Dpart,indexed) and op(0,Dpart)=D_ then var:=op(1,Dpart): RF:=op(2,Dpart): Fprt:=select(has,RF,F_): R:=RF/Fprt: s:=s + factor(diff(simplify(log(R*f)),var)*R): else ERROR(` Invalid rec. equation`) fi: RETURN(s): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `Mint/checkrec2`:=proc(rec,f) local expr, intnvars, receq, ope, Dpart, recprt, Dprt, s, RC: global D_,F_,R_: receq:=rec[1]: RC:=rhs(rec[2]): if op(0,lhs(rec[2]))=R_ and map(proc(x) type(x,name) end,{op(lhs(rec[2]))})={true} then intnvars:=[op(lhs(rec[2]))]: else ERROR(` invalid rec. equation`): fi: ope:=lhs(receq): Dpart:=rhs(receq): if has(ope,D_) then expr:=select(has,ope,D_) : if has(expr,D_) then ope:=ope - expr: Dpart:=Dpart+expr: fi: fi: if has(Dpart,F_) then expr:=select(has,Dpart,F_) : if has(expr,F_) and not has(expr,D_) then ope:=ope + expr: Dpart:=Dpart - expr: fi: fi: recprt:=`Mint/evalrecprt`(ope,f): Dprt:=`Mint/evalDprt2`(Dpart,RC,intnvars,f): s:=simplify(recprt-Dprt): if s<>0 then false else true fi: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/evalDprt2`:=proc(Dpart,RC,intnvars,f) local summands, summand,i,j,var, R, Rvars, RF, Fprt, s: global F_,D_,R_: F_:='F_': D_:='D_': R_:='R_': s:=0: if type(Dpart,`+`) then summands:=[op(Dpart)]: for i from 1 to nops(summands) do summand:=summands[i]: if not (type(summand,indexed) and op(0,summand)=D_) then ERROR(` invalid rec. equation`): fi: var:=op(1,summand): RF:=op(2,summand): if RF<>0 then Fprt:=select(has,RF,F_): R:=RF/Fprt: if op(0,R)=R_ then Rvars:=[op(R)]: R:=subs({seq(intnvars[j]=Rvars[j],j=1..nops(Rvars))},RC): s:=s + factor(diff(simplify(log(R*f)),var)*R): else ERROR(` Invalid rec. equation`): fi: fi: od: elif type(Dpart,indexed) and op(0,Dpart)=D_ then var:=op(1,Dpart): RF:=op(2,Dpart): Fprt:=select(has,RF,F_): R:=RF/Fprt: s:=s + factor(diff(simplify(log(R*f)),var)*R): else ERROR(` Invalid rec. equation`) fi: RETURN(s): end: `Mint/rf`:=proc(x,m) GAMMA(x+m)/GAMMA(x): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/extrctnCk`:=proc(lst,k) local aCb, nCk, a, b, i, lst1,pos: aCb:=op(1,lst): a:=op(1,aCb): b:=op(2,aCb): if degree(b,k)=1 then pos:=1 else pos:=0 fi: for i from 1 to nops(lst) do aCb:=op(i,lst): a:=op(1,aCb): b:=op(2,aCb): if not has(a,k) and degree(b,k)=1 then if pos=0 then pos:=i: fi: if nops([coeffs(b,k)])0 then klst:=[op(klst),[indx,lsti]]: fi: od: klst2:=[]: klst3:=[]: if nops(klst) <> 0 then for i from 1 to nops(klst) do lsti:=op(i,klst): k1:=op(1,lsti): lsti:=op(2,lsti): nCk:=`Mint/extrctnCk`(lsti,k1): if nops(nCk[1])<>0 then klst2:=[op(klst2),nCk[1]]: klst3:=[op(klst3),[k1,nCk[1]]]: fi: od: fi: lst1:=lst: for i from 1 to nops(klst2) do x:=op(i,klst2): pos:='pos': if member(x,lst1,`pos`) then lst1:=subsop(pos=NULL,lst1): fi: od: klst3,lst1: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/sumtointn`:=proc(bc,x,k,interval) local t,lc,ct,nCk,expon,lst,aCb,a,b,prd,i,k1,n1,result,v: if nargs<4 then ERROR(` wrong number of arguments `): fi: if not type(k,name) then ERROR(cat(` invalid argument:\n`, convert(k,string))) : fi: t:=[{`*`,`^`,[polynom(anything,k),polynom(anything,k)]},algebraic,name, [algebraic,algebraic]]: if not type([args], t) then ERROR(cat(` expecting argument of type\n`, `(finite produuct of) binomial coeff(s), x, summation var`, `[summation bounds]`)): fi: lst:=`Mint/makbclst`(bc,k): nCk:=`Mint/extrctnCk`(lst,k): lst:=nCk[2]: nCk:=nCk[1]: prd:=1: for i from 1 to nops(lst) do aCb:=op(i,lst): a:=op(1,aCb): b:=op(2,aCb): prd:=prd*(1+1/(z_.i))^a*(z_.i)^b: od: prd:=prd*x: a:=op(1,interval): b:=op(2,interval): if nops(nCk)<>0 then n1:=op(1,nCk): k1:=op(2,nCk): lc:=lcoeff(k1,k): ct:=coeff(k1,k,0): prd:=eval(subs(k=(k-ct)/lc,prd)): n1:=eval(subs(k=(k-ct)/lc,n1)): k1:=eval(subs(k=(k-ct)/lc,k1)): result:= sum(binomial(n1,k1)*prd,k=0..infinity): else result:=sum(prd,k=a..b): fi: v:=[seq(z_.i,i=1..nops(lst))]: if has(result,binomial) then result:=convert(result,factorial): fi: result:=normal(result): if nops(v)<>0 then RETURN(result, v): else RETURN(result,[z_.1]): fi: end: Mint[sumtointn]:=proc() `Mint/sumtointn`(args): end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/newsum`:=proc(prd,lst,k,interval,v) local i,nCk,pos,lst1,nv, prd1,lst2,lc,ct,k1,k2,newk,poslst,poslst2,interval1,v1: prd1:=prd: lst1:=lst: lst2:=[]: newk:=[]: poslst:=[]: v1:=v: nv:=nops(v): for i from 1 to nops(lst) do nCk:=op(i,lst1): k1:=op(1,nCk): nCk:= op(2,nCk): pos:='pos': newk:=[op(newk),k1]: if member(k1,k,pos) then poslst:=[op(poslst),pos]: fi: lst2:=[op(lst2),nCk]: k2:=op(2,nCk): lc:=lcoeff(k2,k1): ct:=coeff(k2,k1,0): if lc<>1 or ct<>0 then prd1:=eval(subs(k1=(k1-ct)/lc,prd1)): lst1:=eval(subs(k1=(k1-ct)/lc,lst1)): lst2:=eval(subs(k1=(k1-ct)/lc,lst2)): fi: od: poslst2:=[]: for i from 1 to nops(lst2) do nCk:=op(i,lst2): if has(op(1,nCk),op(2,nCk)) then nv:=nv+1: prd1:=prd1*(1+1/(z_.nv))^op(1,nCk)*(z_.nv)^op(2,nCk): v1:=[op(v1),z_.nv]: poslst2:=[op(poslst2),i]: fi: od: k1:=subsop(seq(op(i,poslst)=NULL,i=1..nops(poslst)),k): interval1:=subsop(seq(op(i,poslst)=NULL,i=1..nops(poslst)),interval): if nops(poslst2)<>0 then lst2:= subsop(seq(op(i,poslst2)=NULL,i=1..nops(poslst2)),lst2): k1:=[op(k1),seq(op(op(i,poslst2),newk),i=1..nops(poslst2))]: interval1:=[op(interval1),seq([0,infinity],i=1..nops(poslst2))]: newk:= subsop(seq(op(i,poslst2)=NULL,i=1..nops(poslst2)),newk): fi: prd1,lst2,newk, k1, interval1,v1: end: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/orderindx`:=proc(blst,vlst) local i, vlst1,blst1,v,found: vlst1:=vlst: blst1:=blst: v:=[]: found:=false: for i from 1 to nops(blst1) do v:=[op(v),op(1,op(i,blst1))]: od: for i from 1 to nops(vlst) while found=false do if not has(v, vlst[i]) then found:=true: blst1:=subsop(1=op(i,blst1),i=op(1,blst1),blst1): vlst1:=subsop(1=op(i,vlst1),i=op(1,vlst1),vlst1): fi: od: blst1, vlst1: end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/msumtointn`:=proc(bc,x,k,interval) local nCk, lst,lst1, aCb, a, b,t, prd,lstk,i,k1,n1,s,indx,newk1,newk2, interval1,expr, v: if nargs<4 then ERROR(` wrong number of arguments. `): fi: if `Mint/notdistvars`(k) then ERROR(cat(` not distinct variables: `, convert(k,string))): fi: if nops(k)<>nops(interval) then ERROR(cat(` there should be 1-1 correspondence between `, convert(k,string), ` and `, convert(interval,string))): fi: t:=[{`*`,`^`,[polynom(anything,k),polynom(anything,k)]}, algebraic, list(name), list([algebraic,algebraic])]: if not type([args], t) then ERROR(cat(` expecting argument of type\n`, `list of binomials, x, summation vars`, ` list of intervals of sum bounds`)): fi: lst:=`Mint/makbclst`(bc,k): lst1:=`Mint/splitlst`(lst,k): lstk:=lst1[1]: lst1:=lst1[2]: prd:=1: for i from 1 to nops(lst1) do aCb:=op(i,lst1): a:=op(1,aCb): b:=op(2,aCb): prd:=prd*(1+1/(z_.i))^a*(z_.i)^b: od: v:=[seq(z_.i,i=1..nops(lst1))]: prd:=prd*x: if nops(lstk) <> 0 then expr:=`Mint/newsum`(prd,lstk,k,interval,v): prd:=expr[1]: lstk:=expr[2]: newk1:=expr[3]: newk2:=expr[4]: interval1:=expr[5]: v:=expr[6]: lstk:= `Mint/orderindx`(lstk,newk1): newk1:=lstk[2]: lstk:=lstk[1]: nCk:=op(1,lstk): n1:=op(1,nCk): k1:=op(2,nCk): indx:=op(1,newk1): s:=sum(binomial(n1,k1)*prd,indx=0..infinity): newk1:=subsop(1=NULL,newk1): lstk:=subsop(1=NULL,lstk): while nops(lstk)<>0 do lstk:= `Mint/orderindx`(lstk,newk1): newk1:=lstk[2]: lstk:=lstk[1]: nCk:=op(1,lstk): n1:=op(1,nCk): k1:=op(2,nCk): indx:=op(1,newk1): s:=sum(binomial(n1,k1)*s,indx=0..infinity): newk1:=subsop(1=NULL,newk1): lstk:=subsop(1=NULL,lstk): od: for i from 1 to nops(newk2) do a:=op(1,interval1[i]): b:=op(2,interval[i]): k1:=op(i,newk2): s:=sum(s,k1=a..b): od: else interval1:=op(1,interval): a:=op(1,interval1): b:=op(2,interval1): k1:=op(1,k): s:=sum(prd,k1=a..b): for i from 2 to nops(interval) do interval1:=op(i,interval): a:=op(1,interval1): b:=op(2,interval1): k1:=op(i,k): s:=sum(s,k1=a..b): od: fi: if has(s,binomial) then s:=convert(s,factorial): fi: s:=normal(s): if nops(v)<>0 then RETURN(s, v): else RETURN(s,[z_.1]): fi: end: Mint[msumtointn]:=proc() `Mint/msumtointn`(args): end: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Mint/extrctaxvars`:=proc(f,vars) local n, varnames,axvars: global F_: varnames:=indets(f): n:=select(type,varnames,name): axvars:=n minus vars: axvars:=convert(axvars,list): axvars: end: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #`Mint/ssum` #Mint[ssum] `Mint/ssum`:=proc() local args1,args2,i,t1,t2,axvars,Fz,vars, F, result: global F_: if nargs < 5 then ERROR(` Wrong number of arguments. `) fi: #defining the correct args types args1:=[args]: if `Mint/notdistvars`([args1[3],args1[4]]) then ERROR(cat(` not distinct variables: `, convert([args1[3],args1[4]],string))): fi: if nops([op(3,args1)])<>nops([op(5,args1)]) then ERROR(cat(` there should be 1-1 correspondence between `, op(3,args1), ` and `, convert(op(5,args1),string))): fi: if not type([op(3,args1),op(4,args1)],[name,name]) then ERROR(cat(` invalid argument:\n`, convert([op(3,args1),op(4,args1)],string))) : fi: t1:=[{`*`,`^`,[polynom(anything,[args1[3],args1[4]]), polynom(anything,[args1[3],args1[4]])]}, algebraic, name, name, [algebraic,algebraic], nonnegint]: t2:=[{`*`,`^`,[polynom(anything,[args1[3],args1[4]]), polynom(anything,[args1[3],args1[4]])]}, algebraic, name, name, [algebraic,algebraic]]: if type(args1,t1) then args2:=seq(op(i,args1),i=1..3): Fz:=sumtointn(args2,args1[5]): F:=Fz[1]: vars:=Fz[2]: if has(F,hypergeom) then ERROR(cat(`Mint, had difficulty in converting sum to integral`, `check your summation index bound`)): fi: axvars:=`Mint/extrctaxvars`(F,{args1[4],op(vars)}): F:=normal(F/convert(vars,`*`)/(2*Pi*I)^nops(vars)): result:=`Mint/findrec1`(F,op(4,args1),vars,axvars,op(6,args1)): if result<>NULL then if type(result,list) then result:=[op(result), F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F ]: else result:=[result,F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F]: fi: fi: result: elif type(args1,t2) then args2:=seq(op(i,args1),i=1..3): Fz:=sumtointn(args2,args1[5]): F:=Fz[1]: vars:=Fz[2]: if has(F,hypergeom) then ERROR(cat(` Mint, had difficulty in converting sum to integral`, `check your summation index bound.`)): fi: axvars:=`Mint/extrctaxvars`(F,{args1[3],op(vars)}): F:=normal(F/convert(vars,`*`)/(2*Pi*I)^nops(vars)): result:=`Mint/findrec1`(F,op(4,args1),vars,axvars): if result<>NULL then if type(result,list) then result:=[op(result), F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F ]: else result:=[result,F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F]: fi: fi: result: else ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `(finite product of) binomial coeffs, x , sum var, mainvar`, ` sum bound,order`, `\nor `, `(finite product of) binomial coeffs, x , sum var, mainvar`, `sum bound`)): fi: end: Mint[ssum]:=proc() `Mint/ssum`(args): end: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #`Mint/msum` #Mint[msum] `Mint/msum`:=proc() local args1,args2,i,t1,t2,axvars,Fz,vars, F,result: global F_: if nargs < 5 then ERROR(` Wrong number of arguments. `) fi: #defining the correct args types args1:=[args]: if `Mint/notdistvars`([op(args1[3]),args1[4]]) then ERROR(cat(` not distinct variables: `, convert([op(args1[3]),args1[4]],string))): fi: if nops(op(3,args1))<>nops(op(5,args1)) then ERROR(cat(` there should be 1-1 correspondence between `, convert(op(3,args1),string), ` and `, convert(op(5,args1),string))): fi: if not type([op(3,args1),op(4,args1)],[list(name),name]) then ERROR(cat(` invalid argument:\n`, convert([op(3,args1),op(4,args1)],string))) : fi: t1:=[{`*`,`^`,[polynom(anything,[op(args1[3]),op(4,args1)]), polynom(anything,[op(args1[3]),op(4,args1)])]}, algebraic, list(name), name, list([algebraic,algebraic]), nonnegint]: t2:=[{`*`,`^`,[polynom(anything,[op(args1[3]),op(4,args1)]), polynom(anything,[op(args1[3]),op(4,args1)])]}, algebraic, list(name), name, list([algebraic,algebraic])]: if type(args1,t1) then args2:=seq(op(i,args1),i=1..3): Fz:=msumtointn(args2,args1[5]): F:=Fz[1]: vars:=Fz[2]: F:=normal(F/convert(vars,`*`)/(2*Pi*I)^nops(vars)): if has(F,hypergeom) then ERROR(cat(` Mint, had difficulty in converting sum to integral`, `check your summation index bound`)): fi: axvars:=`Mint/extrctaxvars`(F,{args1[3],op(vars)}): result:=`Mint/findrec1`(F,op(4,args1),vars,axvars,op(6,args1)): if result<>NULL then if type(result,list) then result:=[op(result), F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F ]: else result:=[result,F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F]: fi: fi: result: elif type(args1,t2) then args2:=seq(op(i,args1),i=1..3): Fz:=msumtointn(args2,args1[5]): F:=Fz[1]: vars:=Fz[2]: F:=normal(F/convert(vars,`*`)/(2*Pi*I)^nops(vars)): if has(F,hypergeom) then ERROR(cat(` Mint, had difficulty in converting sum to integral`, `check your summation index bound`)): fi: axvars:=`Mint/extrctaxvars`(F,{args1[3],op(vars)}): result:=`Mint/findrec1`(F,op(4,args1),vars,axvars): if result<>NULL then if type(result,list) then result:=[op(result), F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F ]: else result:=[result,F_[args1[4], op(vars)] = F]: fi: fi: result: else ERROR(cat(` Invalid input, expecting an arg type:\n `, `(finite product of) binomial coeffs, x , sum vars, mainvar`, `sum bound, order`, `\nor `, `(finite product of) binomial coeffs, x , sum vars`, ` mainvar, sum bound`)): fi: end: Mint[msum]:=proc() `Mint/msum`(args): end: mylatex:=proc(x) local `latex/special_names`: readlib(latex): `latex/special_names`['beginmath']:= `\\begin{displaymath}`: `latex/special_names`['endmath']:= `\\end{displaymath}`: latex(beginmath); latex(x); latex(endmath); end: #_____________________________ HELP INFORMATION ______________________________ print(`Mint: a Maple Package that contains functions to prove `): print(` identities which involve pure multiple integrals with `): print(` Hypergeometric integrand, using the continuous version of the`): print(` Multi-WZ Method.`): print(``): print(` Mint is the updated and generalized version of TRIPLE_INTEGRAL, `): print(` which was written by Doron Zeilberger`):print(``): print(` Mint was written by : Akalu Tefera`): print(``): print(` Please report all bugs and comments to: akalu@math.temple.edu`): print(``): print(` For a list of procedures, type:`): print(` ?Mint or help(Mint) `): print(` `): print(` For help with a specific procedure, type:`): print(`?procedure name or help(procedure name) `): print(``): print(` CAUTION: This of Mint runs only on`), print(` Maple V Release 3 or 2`): print(``): if not `Mint/ver3or2`() then lprint(`\aWARNING: Use Maple V Release 3 or 2`): fi: interface(prettyprint=1): #_______________ HELP for Mint _________________________ `help/text/Mint`:=TEXT( ``, `HELP FOR: a package for multiple integral.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCE:`, ` Mint[](args)`, ` (args)`, ``, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- This package contains functions to prove identities which involves pure`, ` multiple integrals with special integrand(Hyper geometric).`, ``, `- The functions available are:`,``, ` findrec1 sumtointn sym`, ` findrec2 msumtointn esp`, ` findrec3 ssum`, ` checkrec msum`,``, `- To get help for a specific function, type either ?Mint[] or`, ` ?Mint, where is one from the above list.`,``, `- These functions are part of the Mint package, and so can be used in the `, ` form findrec1(..), findrec2(..) ...only after performing the command `, ` with(Mint) or with(Mint,). The functions can always be`, ` accessed in the long form Mint[](args)`, `- Whenever there is a conflict between a function name in Mint and`, ` another name used in the same session, use the form Mint[].`, ``, `- The following variables are global: `, ` F_, D_ , R_, z_`, ``, `- At present, this version of Mint runs only on Maple V Release 3 or 2.`, `` ): #____________________ HELP FOR findrec1 ____________________________ `help/Mint/text/findrec1`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: Mint[findrec1]: finds a recurrence operator that annihilate a`, ` given hypergeometric function.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` findrec1(f, n, intnvars, axvars, order, denompoly)`,``, ` findrec1(f, n, intnvars, axvars, order) `,``, ` findrec1(f, n, intnvars, axvars, denompoly)`,``, ` findrec1(f, n, intnvars, axvars)`,``, ` findrec1(f, n, intnvars)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` f : algebraic expression(integrand) `, ` n : variable name w.r.t. which the recurrence`, ` (differential) operator to be sought`, ` intnvars : list of integration vars.`, ` axvars : list of auxiliary vars(parameters) in f,`, ` (if any), excluding "n" and "intnvars".`, ` input [] if null`, ` order : non-negative integer(the order of the desired rec. eq`, ` in n)`, ` denompoly : is a list of guessed polynomials to be taken as`, ` denominators of the rational certificates.`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- findrec1(f, n, intnvars, axvars, order, denompoly) tries to find a `, ` non-zero annihilator of f with polynomial coeff in "n" and `, ` output a recurrence of the form`, ` poly(n)*F_[n+i,x1,x2,...] + ... = `, ` D_[x1,R1[n,x1,...,xm]F_[n,x1,...,xm]] + ...`, ` In this case findrec1 searches for a recurrence(differential) operator`, ` whose order in "n" is equal to "order" and looks for rational `, ` certificates whose denominators are "denompoly".`, ``, `- findrec1(f, n, intnvars, axvars, order) tries to find a non-zero`, ` annihilator the by searching for appropriate denominators of the `, ` rational certificates automatically.`, ``, `- findrec1(f,n,intnvars,axvars,denompoly) is like either of the above`, ` findrec1(args),but looks for non-zero annihilator whose order in "n" is at`, ` most 6(the default max order) and having "denompoly" as the denominators`, ` of the rational certificates.`,``, `- findrec1(f,n,intnvars,axvars) is the like the above findrec1(args),`, ` but in this case findrec1 searches for the appropriate denominators`, ` and output (if any) a non-zero annihilator whose order in "n" is at`, ` most 6.`,``, `- findrec1(f,n,intnvars) use this form if there is no auxiliary vars`, `- This function is part of the Mint package, and so can be used in the form`, ` findrec1(args) only after performing the command with(Mint) or`, ` with(Mint,findrec1). The function can always be accessed in the long form`, ` Mint[findrec1](args).`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name findrec1 and`, ` another name used in the same session, use the form Mint['findrec1'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ` `, `> with(Mint):`, `> findrec1((1+x)^n*(1+y)^n/(1-x*y),n,[x,y]);`, ``, `... trying to find non-zero recurrence eq with order 0`, ``, ` could not find non-zero recurrence eq with order 0`, ``, `... trying to find non-zero recurrence eq with order 1`, ``, ` ... solving 24 equations for 19 unknowns`, ``, ` Cheers! for the success. CPU Time : 3.43 seconds.`, ``, ``, ` [(4 n + 2) F_[n, x, y] + (- 1 - n) F_[n + 1, x, y] =`, ``, ` D_[x, R_[x, y] F_[n, x, y]] + D_[y, R_[y, x] F_[n, x, y]],`, ``, ` R_[x, y] = - 1/2 (1 + x) (2 x + x y - 3)]`, ``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, findrec2, findrec3`, `` ): #____________________ HELP FOR findrec2 ____________________________ `help/Mint/text/findrec2`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: Mint[findrec2]: finds a recurrence operator that annihilate`, ` a given function.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, mainorders, denompoly)`, ` findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, mainorders)`,``, ` findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, denompoly)`,``. ` findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars)`,``, ` findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` f : algebraic expression(integrand) `, ` mainvars : list of variables w.r.t. which the recurrence`, ` (differential) operator to be sought`, ` intnvars : list of integration vars.`, ` axvars : list of auxiliary vars(parameters) in f,`, ` (if any), excluding "mainvars" and "intnvars".`, ` input [] if null`, ` mainorders : list of nonnegative integers(orders of the desired`, ` rec. eq. "mainvars")`, ` denompoly : is a list of guessed polynomials to be taken as`, ` denominators of the rational certificates.`, ``, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, mainorders, denompoly) tries `, ` to find a non-zero annihilator of f with polynomial coeff in "mainvars" `, ` and output a recurrence of the form`, ` poly(n)*F_[n1+i1,n2 + i2,..., x1,x2,...] + ... = `, ` D_[x1,R1[n1,n2,...,x1,...,xm]F_[n1,n2,...,x1,...,xm]] + ...`, ` In this case findrec2 searches for a recurrence(differential) operator`, ` whose order in each "mainvars" is equal to the corresponding "mainorders"`, ` and looks for rational certificates whose denominators are "denompoly".`, ``, `- findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, mainorders) the same as `, ` findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, mainorders, denompoly), `, ` but searches for appropriate denominators of the certificates`, ` automatically.`,``, `- findrec2(f, mainvars, intnvars, axvars, denompoly) is like either of `, ` the above findrec2(args),but looks for non-zero annihilator whose order `, ` in each of "mainvars" is at most 6(the default max order) and having`, ` "denompoly" as the denominators of the rational certificates.`,``, `- findrec2(f,mainvars,intnvars,axvars) is the like either of the above`, ` findrec2(args),but in this case findrec2 searches for the appropriate`, ` denominators and output (if any) a nontrivial annihilator whose order in `, ` each mainvars at most 6.`,``, `- This function is part of the Mint package, and so can be used in the form`, ` findrec2(args) only after performing the command with(Mint) or`, ` with(Mint,findrec2). The function can always be accessed in the long form`, ` Mint[findrec2](args).`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name findrec2 and`, ` another name used in the same session, use the form Mint['findrec2'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ``, `> with(Mint):`, `> findrec2((1+x)^n*(1+y)^m/(1-x*y)^k,[n,m],[x,y],[k]);`, ``, `... trying to get a recurrence eq with order [0,0] in [n,m]`, ``, `could not find a non-zero recurrence eq with order [0,0] in [n,m]`, ``, `... trying to get a recurrence eq with order [1,0] in [n,m]`, ``, ` ... solving 19 equations for 13 unknowns`, ``, ` Cheers! for the success. CPU Time: 2.83 seconds.`, ``, ` (k - n - 2 - m) F_[n, m, x, y] + (n + 2 - k) F_[n + 1, m, x, y] =`, ``, ` D_[x, x (1 + x) F_[n, m, x, y]] + D_[y, (- y - 1) F_[n, m, x, y]]`, ``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, findrec1,findrec3`, `` ): #____________________ HELP FOR findrec3 _____________________________ `help/Mint/text/findrec3`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: Mint[findrec3]: finds a recurrence operator that annihilate `, ` a given function.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` findrec3(f, mainvars, shvars, intnvars, axvars, ansatz, denompoly)`, ` findrec3(f, mainvars, shavars, intnvars, axvars, ansatz) `,``, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` f : algebraic expression(integrand) `, ` mainvars : list of variables w.r.t. which the recurrence`, ` (differential) operator to be sought`, ` shvars : shift variables corresponding to each mainvars`, ` intnvars : list of integration vars.`, ` axvars : list of auxiliary vars(parameters) in f,`, ` (if any), excluding "mainvars" and "intnvars".`, ` input [] if null`, ` ansatz : list of monomials in the shvars`, ` denompoly : is a list of guessed polynomials to be taken as`, ` denominators of the rational certificates.`, ``, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- findrec3(f, mainvars, shvars, intnvars, axvars, ansatz, denompoly) tries`, ` to find a non-zero annihilator of f with polynomial coeff in "mainvars"`, ` and output a recurrence of the form`, ` poly(n)*F_[n1+i1,n2 + i2,..., x1,x2,...] + ... = `, ` D_[x1,R1[n1,n2,...,x1,...,xm]F_[n1,n2,...,x1,...,xm]] + ...`, ` In this case findrec3 searches for a recurrence(differential) operator`, ` using the given ansatz and looks for rational certificates whose`, ` denominators are "denompoly".`, ``, `- findrec3(f, mainvars, shvars, intnvars, axvars, ansatz) the same as `, ` findrec3(f, mainvars, shvars, intnvars, axvars, ansatz, denompoy),`, ` but searches for appropriate denominators of the certificates `, ` automatically.`, `- This function is part of the Mint package, and so can be used in the form`, ` findrec3(args) only after performing the command with(Mint) or`, ` with(Mint,findrec3). The function can always be accessed in the long form`, ` Mint[findrec3](args).`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name findrec3 and`, ` another name used in the same session, use the form Mint['findrec3'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ` `, `> with(Mint):`, `>findrec3(1/(1-x-x^2-y-y^2)/x^(m+1)/y^(n+1),[n,m],[N,M],`, ` [x,y],[],[N,M,N*M,M^2]);`, ``, ` ... solving 29 equations for 23 unknowns`, ``, ` Cheers! for the success. CPU Time: 6.48 seconds.`, ` (4 m + 8 + 4 n) F_[n, m, x, y] + (- 5 m - 10) F_[n, m + 2, x, y]`, ``, ` + (2 n + 2) F_[n + 1, m, x, y] + (8 + 2 n + 4 m) F_[n, m + 1, x, y]`, ``, ` + (n + 1) F_[n + 1, m + 1, x, y] =`, ``, ` 2`, ` (- 5 + 4 x + 4 x) F_[n, m, x, y]`, ` D_[x, - ---------------------------------]`, ` x`, ``, ` (2 y + 1) (1 + 2 x) F_[n, m, x, y]`, ` + D_[y, - ----------------------------------]`, ` x`, ``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, findrec1, findrec2`, `` ): #_______________________ HELP FOR checkrec ______________________________ `help/Mint/text/checkrec`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: Mint[checkrec]: takes a recurrence equation rec which involves `, ` the symbols F_ or D_ or R_, and returns True if f satisfies the `, ` recurrence equation.` , ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` checkrec(rec,f)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` rec : recurrence equation `, ` f : function`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- checkrec is useful in particular to verify the output of the procedures`, ` findrec1, findrec2 and findrec3`, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name checkrec`, ` and another name used in the same session, use the form Mint['checkrec'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ``, `>with(Mint):`, `> rec:=`, `(n+1)^2*(n-1)^2*F_[n,x,y]-3*(2+3*n)*n^2*(1+3*n)*F_[n+1,x,y] = D_[x,3*(x+1)*(1+`, `3*n)*(4*n^2*x*y+11*x*n^2-4*n^2*y-14*n^2+8*n*x+2*n*x*y-12*n-2*n*y+x-2)/x/y^2*`, `F_[n,x,y]]+D_[y,-(y+1)*(-x^2*y^2-x^2*y^2*n+x^2*y^2*n^2+x^2*y^2*n^3-123*n^2*y-`, `6*y-3*x^2*y-21*n*x^2*y+3*n^2*x*y+33*n^3*x^2*y+9*y*x*n^3-48*n*y-9*n^2*x^2*y-`, `99*n^3*y-9*n^3-3*n^2-3*x*n^2-9*x*n^3)/x^2/y^2*F_[n,x,y]]`, `> checkrec(rec, (1+1/x)^n*(1+1/y)^(2*n)/x^n/y^n); `,``, ` true`,``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, findrec1, findrec2, findrec3`, `` ): `help/Mint/text/esp`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: esp: generates the elementary symmetric polynomials`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` esp(order,vars)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` order : integer(the order of the elementary sym. function`, ` vars : list of variables`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- the function esp(order,vars) output the elementary symmetric polynomial`, ` ------ `, ` \\ `, ` ) vars[i_1] vars[i_2] ... v[i_order]`, ` / `, ` ------ `, ` i_1with(Mint):`, `>esp(2,[x,y,z]);`,``, ` x y + x z + y z`, ``, `` ): `help/Mint/text/sym`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: Mint[sym]: checks whether a given function is symmetric w.r.t`, ` given variables.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` sym(f,vars)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` f : an algebraic expression`, ` vars : list of variables`, ``, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- sym returns true, if f is symmetric w.r.t. vars, false otherwise.`, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name sym and`, ` another name used in the same session, use the form Mint['sym'].`,``, `EXAMPLES:`, `>with(Mint):`, `>sym((1-1/x)^n*(1-1/y)^n/x/y,[x,y])`, ``, ` true`, ``, `` ): `help/Mint/text/msumtointn`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: sumtointn: converts multisum to integration`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` msumtointn(binocoeffs, x, sumvar,sumbound)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` binocoeffs : finite product of binomial coeffs`, ` x : algebraic expression`, ` sumvar : list of indices of summation`, ` sumbound : list of lower and upper bound of each of sumvar`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- msumtointn converts a summation expression of the form:`, ` `, ` ------ `, ` \\ `, `S(n):= ) (product of binocoeffs) x `, ` / `, ` ------ `, ` k1,k2 ...`, ``, ` to its equivalent constant term(CT(F)) expression and output F `, ` with the integration variables z_1, z_2, ...`,``, `- A binomial coef, binomial(a,b), should be entered as [a,b].`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name sumtointn`, ` and another name used in the same session, use the long form `, ` Mint['msumtointn'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ` To find the CT form `, ``, ` -----`, ` \\ i + j `, ` ) (-1) binomial(i+j,i) binomial(n,i) binomial(n, j)`, ` / `, ` ----- `, ` i,j`, ``, `>with(Mint):`, `>msumtointn([i+j,i]*[n,i]*[n,j],(-1)^(i+j),[i,j],[[0,infinity],[0,infinity]]);`, ``, ``, ` n / 1 \\n`, ` (- z_1) |- ---| , [z_1]`, ` \\ z_1/`, ``, `` ): `help/Mint/text/sumtointn`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: sumtointn: converts summation to integration`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` sumtointn(binocoeffs, x, sumvar, sumbound)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` binocoeffs : finite product of binomial coeffs`, ` x : algebraic expression`, ` sumvar : index of summation`, ` sumbound : list of lower and upper bound of sumvar`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- sumtointn converts a summation expression of the form:`, ` ------ `, ` \\ `, `S(n):= ) (product of binocoeffs) x `, ` / `, ` ------ `, ` k`,``, ` to its equivalent constant term(CT(F)) expression and output F `, ` with the integration variables z_1, z_2, ...`,``, `- A binomial coef, binomial(a,b), should be entered as [a,b]`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name sumtointn`, ` and another name used in the same session, use the long form `, ` Mint['sumtointn'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ` To find the CT form `, ``, ` infinity`, ` -----`, ` \\ k 3`, ` ) (-1) binomial(n, k)`, ` / `, ` ----- `, ` k = 0`, ``, `>with(Mint):`, `>sumtointn([n,k]^3,(-1)^k,k,[0,infinity]);`,``, ``, ` / 1 \\n / 1 \\n n`, ` |1 + ---| |1 + ---| (1 - z_1 z_2) , [z_1, z_2]`, ` \\ z_1/ \\ z_2/`, ``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, msumtointn, ssum,msum`, `` ): #save `Mint.m`; #quit; `help/Mint/text/ssum`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: ssum: finds a recurrence equation for the Constant term expression`, ` of a given sum.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` ssum(binocoeffs, x, sumvar, mainvar, sumbound, order)`, ` ssum(binocoeffs, x, sumvar, mainvar, sumbound)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` binocoeffs : finite product of binomial coeffs`, ` x : algebraic expression`, ` sumvar : index of summation`, ` mainvar : main variable`, ` sumbound : list of lower and upper bound of sumvar`, ` order : a nonnegative integer(order of the desired`, ` rec. eq. in "mainvar")`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- ssum finds a recurrence differetial eqn. for the constant term expression of`, ` b`, ` ------ `, ` \\ `, `S(n):= ) (product of binocoeffs) x `, ` / `, ` ------ `, ` k=a`,``, ` and output the rec. eqn. with the const. term expression.`, `- A binomial coef, binomial(a,b), should be entered as [a,b].`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name ssum`, ` and another name used in the same session, use the long form `, ` Mint['ssum'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ` To find an annihilator for the CT expression of Dixon's sum `, ``, ` infinity`, ` -----`, ` \\ k 3`, ` ) (-1) binomial(2 n, k)`, ` / `, ` ----- `, ` k = 0`, ``, `>with(Mint):`, `>ssum([2*n,k]^3,(-1)^k,k,n,[0,infinity],[],1);`,``, ` ... solving 77 equations for 73 unknowns`, ``, `Warning: new definition for binomial`, ` Cheers! for the success. CPU Time : 37.65 seconds.`, ``, ``, `[`, ``, ` 2`, `3 (3 n + 1) (2 + 3 n) F_[n, z_1, z_2] + (n + 1) F_[n + 1, z_1, z_2] =`, ``, ` D_[z_1, R_[z_1, z_2] F_[n, z_1, z_2]] + D_[z_2, R_[z_2, z_1] F_[n, z_1, z_2]]`, ``, ` ,`, ``, ` 2 4 2`, `R_[z_1, z_2] = 1/8 (z_1 + 1) (- 2 + 20 z_2 z_1 - 56 z_2 z_1 n - 2 n`, ``, ` 4 2 2 4 3 2 2 3`, ` - 32 z_2 z_1 n + 2 z_2 z_1 n + 6 n z_2 z_1 + 4 z_2 z_1 n`, ``, ` 3 3 2 2 2 3 2`, ` + 42 z_2 z_1 n + 12 z_2 z_1 n - 32 z_2 z_1 n - 14 z_2 z_1 n`, ``, ` 2 2 2 2 2 2`, ` + 34 n z_1 z_2 - 12 n z_2 z_1 - 20 z_2 z_1 - 8 z_1 - 3 z_2`, ``, ` 2 2 2`, ` - 4 z_2 n + 32 z_2 z_1 n - 5 z_2 z_1 - 20 z_1 n - 8 z_2 z_1 n`, ``, ` 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3`, ` + 8 z_2 z_1 + 48 z_2 z_1 n + 32 z_2 z_1 n + 19 z_2 z_1`, ``, ` 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 3`, ` - 11 z_2 z_1 + 4 z_2 z_1 - 38 n z_2 z_1 - 24 z_2 z_1 + 24 z_2 z_1`, ``, ` 2 2 4 3 2 / 2`, ` - 12 z_1 n - 4 z_2 + 2 z_2 z_1 + 12 z_2 n + 6 z_2 n) / (z_2 z_1),`, ` /`, ``, ` /z_1 + 1\\(2 n) /z_2 + 1\\(2 n) (2 n)`, ` |-------| |-------| (1 - z_2 z_1)`, ` \\ z_1 / \\ z_2 /`, `F_[n, z_1, z_2] = - 1/4 ------------------------------------------------]`, ` 2`, ` z_2 z_1 Pi`, ``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, msum, sumtointn, msumtointn`, `` ): `help/Mint/text/msum`:=TEXT( ``, `FUNCTION: msum: finds a recurrence equation for the Constant term expression`, ` of a given multi sum.`, ``, `CALLING SEQUENCES:`, ` msum(binocoeffs, x, sumvars, mainvar, sumbound, order)`, ` msum(binocoeffs, x, sumvars, mainvar, sumbound)`, ``, `PARAMETERS: `, ` binocoeffs : product(finite) of binomial coeffs`, ` x : algebraic expression`, ` sumvars : indices of summation`, ` mainvar : main variable`, ` sumbound : list of lower and upper bound of each of sumvars`, ` order : a nonnegative integer(order of the desired`, ` rec. eq. in "mainvar")`, ` `, `SYNOPSIS:`, `- A binomial coef, binomial(a,b), should be entered as [a,b].`,``, `- Whenever there is a conflict between the function name msum`, ` and another name used in the same session, use the long form `, ` Mint['msum'].`, ``, `EXAMPLES:`, ` To find an recurence-differential eq, for the CT form of `, ``, ` -----`, ` \\ i + j `, ` ) (-1) binomial(i+j,i) binomial(n,i) binomial(n, j)`, ` / `, ` ----- `, ` i,j`, ``, `> with(Mint);`, `> msum([i+j,i]*[n,i]*[n,j],(-1)^(i+j),[i,j],n,[[0,infinity],[0,infinity]]);`, ``, `... trying to find non-zero recurrence eq with order 0`, ``, ` could not find non-zero recurrence eq with order 0`, ``, `... trying to find non-zero recurrence eq with order 1`, ` ... solving 2 equations for 2 unknowns`, ``, ` Cheers! for the success. CPU Time : 0.67 seconds.`, ``, ` [F_[n, z_1] - F_[n + 1, z_1] = D_[z_1, 0],`, ``, ` n / 1 \\n`, ` I (- z_1) |- ---|`, ` \\ z_1/`, ` F_[n, z_1] = - 1/2 -------------------]`, ` z_1 Pi`, ``, `SEE ALSO: Mint, ssum, sumtointn, msumtointn`, `` ): #save `Mint.m`; #quit;