Mesopotamian Deities
Sumerian Babylonian Function
Abzu Apsu Sweet waters under earth, the abyss
An Anu Sky, Firmament, Father of gods
Dumuzi ("sacred son") Tammuz Shepherd, god of grain, beer, dying god (Inanna / Ishtar's husband)
Enki Ea Controller of sweet waters, god of wisdom (trickster) 
Enlil Enlil or Ellil Lord of wind and air
Ereshkigal Ereshkigal Queen of Underworld
Geshtinanna ("Lady 
of the Vine")
  Goddess of grapes, wine, "the leafy grapevine," sister of Dumuzi
Gugalanna (Bull of Heaven) Nergal Ereshkigal's husband
Imdugud bird ("heavy rain") Anzu or Zu bird Thunderbird, later assimilated to Ninurta
Inanna Ishtar Goddess of love, fertility, storehouse, war
Namtar Namtar Fate, death messenger
Nammu Tiamat Primeval ocean-mother
Nanna Sin Moon
Ninhursag (Nintu) Mami, Belet-ili, Aruru Mother goddess (Ki?)
Ninurta (Ningirsu) Ninurta War, thunder god
Utu Shamash Sun, judge, law-giver
Ziusudra, Atrahasis,  Utnapishtim names for Flood hero