DW Home Page
| Discovering Wavelets: Links
maintained by Edward Aboufadel and Steven Schlicker |
Here are links to some other web pages related to the application of wavelets. We have found many of these sites useful when preparing the manuscript for our book.
Wavelet Discussion Forum at www.wavelet.org
Fingerprints Go Digital by Christopher M. Brislawn, in the Notices of the A.M.S., November 1995. (PDF file, registration required)
Fingerprint information from the Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers.
JPEG 2000 (wavelet-based) -- who needs the old JPG?
Wavelet-based Image Search Engine -- by Profs. James Z. Wang and Jia Li.
Listening for Defects: Wavelet-Based Acoustical Signal Processing in Japan by Mei Kobayashi, in SIAM News, Vol. 29, No. 2, March 1996.
Wavelet Applications Come to the Fore by Barry Cipra, in SIAM News, Volume 26, Number 7, November 1993.
Wavelet Image Compression: Beating the Bandwidth Bottleneck By Peter Schröder, in Wired Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1995.
Wavelets for Computer Graphics: A Primer.
Wavelet Seismic Inversion Lab at the Colorado School of Mines.
The D4 Wavelet -- a Maple worksheet.
An Introduction to Wavelets, by Amara Graps.
A Real Friendly Guide to Wavelets, by C. Valens.
Plotting & Scheming with Wavelets, by Colm Mulchay, a Postscript File of his Mathematics Magazine article, along with an Errata Page.
Washington University's Wavelet NetCare with lots of links!
The World According to Wavelets : The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making a book by Barbara Burke Hubbard. (2nd edition)
Wavelet Explorer for Mathematica.
A Wavelet Tutorial (based on S. Mallat's book)
Gilbert Strang's Home Page. Strang’s idea to connect Haar wavelets with real-valued vectors motivated our work.
Palle Jorgensen's Home Page. Jorgensen, at the University of Iowa, is a researcher in wavelets, and author of a new book on the subject.
Patrick J. Van Fleet's web page.
"Discovering Wavelets" on Google Scholar has a lot of interesting links.