GVSU Japanese Program

Japanese Placement

GVSU does not have a placement exam for Japanese language courses so instead we ask interested students to reach out to the Japanese language coordinator to describe their previous experience studying Japanese.

In general, we like to assume that one year of high school Japanese is worth about a semester at the college level. However, because there is no coordination of curriculum from one high school to the next, there can be a big gap between first-year students with the same number of years of prior language experience. And for students whose previous experience is through self-study rather than high school it can be even more difficult to place. In particular, our strong focus on active communication in the classroom means that most entering students aren’t necessarily ready to actively use the language at the same level they can understand passively. Because of this we try to be as flexible as possible with incoming students, allowing them to try out the level they think is best for them and switch if they find it to be too difficult or too easy (and if their schedule permits).    

Below are two pdfs: the table of contents of the grammar patterns and kanji in the Genki textbook series we use in first and second year classes. We work through Genki 1 over the course of JPN 101, covering the first six lessons, then continue with the remaining six lessons in JPN 102. We then work through the first six chapters of Genki 2 in JPN 201 and finish the book in the first half of JPN 202. Take a look and see how much of the grammar and kanji are familiar to you and we will place you accordingly. While there are prerequisites for all levels of Japanese except JPN 101, our only priority is that you have sufficient ability to to handle the material in the class, and are happy to process a prerequisite override for you to enable you to register.

Genki 1

JPN 101 - Lessons 1-6
JPN 102 - Lessons 7-12


Genki 2

JPN 201 - Lessons 13-18
JPN 202 - Lessons 19-23


If you want to be placed in any level besides JPN 101, send an e-mail describing your previous
Japanese study experience and how much of the material on the pdfs above matches your skill level to:
