JPN 201Intermediate
Tu•Th 10-11:15am |
Jeremy Robinson Office: MAK D-2-136 Tu•Th 1-2pm or by appointment |
Tu•Th 11:30am-12:45pm MAK C-1-114 |
The following books are available at the university bookstore: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Genki II: An Integrated Course
in Elementary Japanese II, 3rd ed. – textbook & workbook |
In general we will be working our way through Genki II Lessons 13-18, but the instructor may change the order of assignments or supplement those materials. Be sure to check the syllabus and course schedule – both on this website and on Blackboard – regularly to keep up on assignments. Also available at the bookstore is The Compact Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary. While it is not required for the course, you will need some way to look up kanji and compounds by their radicals. You will also need access to a Japaese-English/English-Japanese dictionary, either a physical copy, app, or online. This semester we will be branching out more frequently into materials intended for native speakers and you will be learning to use these dictionaries to explore materials beyond the textbook. Also available at the bookstore and, although not required, very highly recommended is Makino and Tsutsui's A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. In addition to enriching your understanding of the grammar we learn in the textbook, it allows you to explore variations on the grammatical forms we have learned as well as terms we have not yet encountered. This class is conducted in hybrid format, with new material learned through grammar videos, online practice, quizzes, workbook assignments, etc. BEFORE coming to in-class sessions. The class meets only twice a week, for an hour and fifteen minutes each session, and this time will be devoted entirely to active language practice. If you have not prepared for each class by completing all required assignments, practice sessions, etc. you will be unable to participate in class effectively and will slow down not just your own progress but that of the entire class. All grammar videos and submission of assignments will be conducted through the university’s Blackboard online learning environment while online practice sessions with fellow students will be organized and conducted using the class Discord server. This is a required elemcnt of the class so if you have not used Discord in the past you will need to become familiar with it as soon as possible. The primary language of this class is Japanese. While onliine videos will explain new material in English, all synchronous sessions, classroom commands, instructions, etc. will be in Japanese and it is expected that when you have questions, you will ask them in Japanese. Even when speaking to your fellow classmates, try to use Japanese as much as possible and avoid the habit of clarifying in English what someone is saying in Japanese. In addition, avoid using dictionaries and the textbook glossary during synchronous sessions. If you forget how to say a word, ask your partner in Japanese how to say it. If neither of you know, then ask the instructor in Japanese. Class time is extremely limited, and thus extremely valuable, and you should spend as much of it as possible actively using the language. |
Grades will be evaluated as follows: | |||
Each Lesson Six Lessons |
15% 6 x 15% = 90% |
Note that for each of the six lessons the pre-class preparation, in-class participation, homework, and chapter test are all of equal value (3pts. = 3% of total grade). Learning a language requires steady regular work rather than cramming for a single exam, and the grading system is intended to reflect this. Reviewing your own work and correcting your own mistakes is also critical and, as long as you have made your first attempt prior to class each day, all homework and quizzes may be reattempted as many times as you wish to achieve a perfect score until that lesson is complete. You will be encountering new material – grammar, vocabulary, kanji, etc. – for the first time on your own and completing homework and quizzes before coming to class, so it is normal that you might not understand it perfecty when you first attempt it. Even so, you should always complete
the homework and quizzes to the best of your
ability prior to class in order to receive credit. In general your pre-class preparation will consist of:
This is how each leasson is set up in Blackboard and it is highly recommended that you follow that structure for preparation. Once again, late submissions of homework and quizzes WILL NOT be accepted, but as long as you have attempted them at least once you will be allowed to redo them as often as necessary. Each lesson will also include fndependent study assignments to be completed on Blackboard: "Web assignment," "Writing Assignment," and "Realia Assignments" are each worth 1 pt (1%) of the total final grade. Writing Assignments are based on the 書く練習 section of the Reading/Writing section of each lesson and involve composing written passages in Japanese, having fellow students read them, and then rewriting them based on their feedback. Web assignments will focus on accessing Japanese web sites in order to complete specific tasks related to the theme of the Reading/Writing section. And Realia Assignments involve collaborating with your classmates to understand materials aimed at native Japanese speakers. Deadlines for these assignments are posted on the course schedule on Blackboard.The greatest resource you have available to you is your fellow students and you are strongly encouraged to collaborate with your classmates in practicing dialogues, doing homework assignments, studying for exams, etc. Work together! However, quizzes and tests should be taken on your own and copying other students’ work, using students’ materials from previous years, or otherwise submitting the work of others as one’s own is plagiarism and will result in an automatic F for the course. If you are ever unsure whether outside help is permitted for any individual project, please ask. |
Fall 2024 Course Schedule
• click on any section to go to the assignments for that week •
Week One – Introduction and Review 8月27日〜29日
Weeks Thirteen to Fifteen - 第十八課 11月19日〜12月5日 |
• Final Video Presentations •
Tuesday, December 10th and/or Thursday, December 12th