ENG 320 Poetry Links

| Introductory Texts | Handbook of Terms | Poems | Dictionary.com |
| Writing Links | Poetry Sites |

| Walt Whitman | Emily Dickinson |

| Imagism | Basho (& Haiku) | World War I (& Wilfred Owen) | Ezra Pound | Amy Lowell | D. H. Lawrence |

Modern American Poets | Gertrude Stein | Mina Loy | Robert FrostWallace Stevens | T. S. Eliot | William Carlos Williams | Marianne Moore | E. E. Cummings | Langston Hughes |

| W. H. Auden's Musée |
| Contemporary Poets | Adrienne Rich |
| Theodore Roethke | Gary Snyder

Marc Chagall, The Poet 
Marc Chagall, The Poet (1911) Philadelphia Museum of Art

Introduction to Poetry Texts

Handbook of Terms
A Handbook of Terms for Discussing Poetry (Harry Rusche)

Gale's Glossary of Literary Terms: http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/glossary/

Electronic Texts of Poems:

Representative Poetry Online (University of Toronto): http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/display/index.cfm
Project Bartleby: http://www.bartleby.com/index.html
University of Virginia Electronic Text Center: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ [some access limited]
Renascence Editions: An Online Repository of Works Printed in English Between the Years 1477 and 1799:  http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~rbear/ren.htm

Writing Links:

Poetry Sites:

"Voices and Visions Spotlight"--links to sites on 13 modern American poets: http://www.learner.org/catalog/extras/vvspot/

"Fooling with Words" with Bill Moyers (PBS poetry show site):http://www.pbs.org/wnet/foolingwithwords/

Al Filreis' site and course on modern and contemporary poetry: http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/home.html

Al Filreis: Chapter 2--Modernism and Imagism:  http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/chap2.html

Al Filreis: Chapter 3--The Reaction against Modernism: the Thirties: http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/chap3.html

Al Filreis: Chapter 4--The Reaction against Modernism: Harlem Renaissance:  http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/chap4.html

The Academy of American Poets: http://www.poets.org/

Anthology of Modern American Poetry site (MAPS: Cary Nelson, Oxford UP): http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/

Modernism: American Salons: http://www.case.edu/artsci/engl/VSALM/mod/

Electronic Poetry Center (SUNY Buffalo--concentrates on contemporary and experimental poets): http://wings.buffalo.edu/epc/

The ubuweb : visual / concrete / sound poetry: http://www.ubu.com/

New Pages Guide to Literary Periodicals: http://www.newpages.com/NPGuides/litmags.htm

A Handbook of Terms for Discussing Poetry (Harry Rusche): http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/classes/Handbook/Handbook.html

Walt Whitman:

Whitman at the Library of Congress: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/whitman-home.html
Leaves of Grass: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/whitman-leavesofgrass.html
Walt Whitman Notebooks at the Library of Congress: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/wwhtml/wwhome.html

Emily Dickinson:

Emily Dickinson International Society: http://www.case.edu/affil/edis/edisindex.html
Dickinson’s herbarium: http://www.case.edu/affil/edis/graphics/plate20.jpg
Emily Dickinson Links: http://www.case.edu/affil/edis/links.html
Dickinson Electronic Archive: http://www.emilydickinson.org/


Basho and Haiku:
Text (with notes and illustrations) of Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho/1-prologue/index.html (best viewed with Internet Explorer)
Basho's Life: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho/life.html

History of Haiku: Before Basho and Basho
The Japanese Haiku Masters: Links, References, Resources: http://www.gardendigest.com/poetry/haiku6.htm
World Haiku Review: http://www.worldhaikureview.org/
Amy Lowell:

Amy Lowell at the MAPS site: http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/amylowell/lowell.htm
Lowell's contributions to Some Imagist Poets (1915): http://www.geocities.com/~bblair/sip15_lowell.htm
Amy Lowell, Impressionist Poet: http://www.case.edu/artsci/engl/VSALM/mod/hallman/index.html 

Ezra Pound:
"A Retrospect" (Pound's imagist theories)
MAPS Pound page
Cyber-version of Canto LXXXI
SUNY Buffalo Pound page
Academy of American Poets Pound page: http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/161 
D. H. Lawrence:
World War I Poets
Modern American Poets
Gertrude Stein:

Wallace Stevens:

Al Filreis' page on Stevens: http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/Stevens/home.html 
Hartford Friends and Enemies of Stevens: http://www.wesleyan.edu/wstevens/stevens.html 
Stevens reading his poems: http://town.hall.org/Archives/radio/IMS/HarperAudio/021594_harp_ITH.html 
The Dominion wide-mouth jar: http://www.writing.upenn.edu/%7Eafilreis/Stevens/jar.gif 
Criticism of Stevens' "Jar" at the MAPS site: http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/s_z/stevens/jar.htm

Mina Loy:

MAPS page on Mina Loy: http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/loy/loy.htm 
Mina Loy's Lunar Odyssey: http://www.case.edu/artsci/engl/VSALM/mod/wolkowski/main.html 
Becoming Modern: http://www.carolynburke.com/ 

Robert Frost

T. S. Eliot:

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock": http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/781.html 
The Waste Land: http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/790.html
William Carlos Williams:
Marianne Moore:

E. E. Cummings

Langston Hughes:

Langston Hughes at the MAPS site:  http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/hughes/hughes.htm

Hughes, "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain": http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/hughes/mountain.htm

Salon.com article: http://www.salon.com/audio/poetry/2001/02/15/langston_hughes/

W. H. Auden
's "Musee des Beaux Arts"

Breugel, Icarus Brueghel's "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus"

Contemporary Poets

Adrienne Rich  

Theodore Roethke

Gary Snyder

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