The MoveTo Function for Chime

Dr. Todd A Carlson, Department of Chemistry
Dr. Clark Wells, Department of Mathematics
Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401

Developed with support from the
Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center
Grand Valley State University

The MoveTo feature integrates several javascript functions and Chime script commands, along with a mathematical algorithm, to allow a Chime image to be moved from any orientation to a view prescribed by the page author.  We hope this feature will make Chime web pages easier to develop and use. Authors of Chime tutorials often make use of Chime's move script command to draw the user's attention to a particular part of the molecule. For example, clicking the Move button in the left frame executes a move command which rotates, zooms and translates the image to highlight the oxygen binding site of the myoglobin protein.
One problem with move, is that the animation is relative to the current orientation of the molecule.  If the user has changed the orientation of the image on the screen, the move command will not generate the desired view. Prove this to yourself by resetting the myoglobin image with the Reset button. Randomly modify the rotation, zoom and translation of the molecule with the mouse. Then execute the move command again.  You will probably not end up seeing the oxygen binding site as before.

Another problem is that if the author of the web page wants to move from one view to another, it can be difficult to determine the exact move parameter needed to generate the desired image. The MoveTo function described here provides a way to circumvent both these problems.

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