Dreams: Kate Aughey, Kristina Bloss, Ashley Bradford,
Celine Parme, Becca Schaub, Alicia St. Germain,
Kirsten Strom, Tiffany Wise
Surrealist Texts: Carlos Dominguez, Brad Harris,
Shanda Koster
Verbal Exquisite Corpses: collaborative
Feature Article: All the Things that Make a Payment Sacred: A Telephone Game

Involuntary Sculptures: Sara Bobeldyk, Kylie Myers, Jesse Moran
Automatic Drawings: Rob Christensen,
Amanda Portenga
Exquisite Corpse Drawings: Kevin Knipstein,
Emily Koehler
Collage Novels: Frances Close, Brad Fowler,
Heather Helmholdt


Edited by Kirsten Strom. Cover image by Kylie Myers.
Site designed by Jason Edwards, based on the cover of La Revolution Surrealiste No. 3, 15 April 1925

GVSU Art Department