I grew up in Amherst, Massachusetts and was an undergraduate at Cornell University. I spent my junior year studying mathematics at the University of Warwick. When I returned to Cornell for my senior year I studied equal circle packing as my senior thesis under the direction of Dr. Bob Connelly. After graduating magna cum laude, I attended graduate school in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania. I earned my MSE in Computer and Information Science in May 1999 and a PhD in Mathematics in May 2000 from the University of Pennsylvania. I have been at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) ever since, earning tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in July 2006, and promotion to Professor in August 2013. In 2006, I was a visiting scholar at Cornell for a semester and again got to study equal circle packing with Dr. Connelly and I spent the 2013-14 academic year at Hope College as visiting professor.
The pictures in the side bar are of my oldest two sons at graduation, my youngest son sporting a fancy mustache, my parents, and a close personal friend. When I have the energy for it my hobbies include wood working and baking. Fun!
Department of Mathematics
C-2-415 Mackinac Hall
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI 49401
Office Telephone/Voice Mail:
(616) 331-3745
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(616) 331-2040
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(616) 331-3120
Email: dickinswatgvsudotedu