Anthropology Courses
At Grand Valley State University
ANT 320: Culture and Disease
This course introduces students to the anthropological study of disease ecology and medical systems cross-culturally. Explores the impact of disease, ecology, and sociocultural behavior throughout human evolution. Investigates the efficacy and nature of non-Western curing procedures and the cultural and psychodynamic features of illness. Part of Health, Illness, and Healing theme.
ANT 320: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
This general education course introduces the discipline of anthropology by examining the diversity of human cultures that have been described by anthropologists over the last 100 years. The principles of anthropology are explained with examples drawn from non-Western culture. Comparisons are drawn with our own. Fulfills Social Science Foundation; fulfills World Perspectives requirement. Offered fall and winter semesters. Three credits.
ANT 307: Field Techniques and Laboratory Methods in Anthropology
Training in the application of research methods under field conditions to problems in major areas of anthropology; supervised instruction in anthropological laboratory techniques, including data collection and storage, analysis, and interpretation. Offered spring and/or summer session.
ANT 300: Research Methods in Anthropology
An emphasis on anthropology as a way of knowing demonstrated through an understanding of the relationships between theory, formulating and testing hypotheses, research design, sampling, data collection and ethics. Anthropological research methods are introduced through a series of projects including a research proposal. Offered fall semester.
ANH 1101: Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to culture as a conceptional mode and to the variations in behavior systems found among human societies. Cultural institutions are examined including the process associated with their development and change. This course provides a basic introduction to cultural anthropology, the study of human cultural variation across time and space. It will follow an evolutionary framework in dealing with human cultural systems including kinship, social organization, political organization, language, economics, and religion.
ANH 1102: Introduction to Biological Anthropology = BSC 1104 Human Biology
BSC 1104: Human Biology: An overview of the human organism. Emphasis involves organization, maintenance, movement and support, integration, reproduction, genetics, evolution, and ecology of humans
ANH 1103: Introduction to Archaeological Anthropology
Review of basic archaeological concepts. The human cultural and biological evolution from the Paleolithic time period to development of organized societies is covered. A brief world archaeological history will be discussed. How ecological and cultural factors affect humans over time is examined.
ANH 1104: Anthropology of Language and Communication = ENG 1175 Nature of Language
This course explores “the nature of language”, looking at what language is, how we learn and use language, and how language functions in and shapes our lives.
ANH 2250: Anthropology of Gender
An introduction to the cultural diversity of gender roles with emphasis on the roles of women, gender bias, and cultural definitions of men and women. This course introduces student to cross-cultural views in women’s issues including women’s empowerment, and promotion of equal rights. Student will be exposed to related theories, research, and practice.
ANH 2885: Health, Culture and Disease
This course will address cross-culturally the relationship between culture, health, and illness. Students will study theoretical orientations and key issues such as the cross-cultural diversity of health beliefs and practices at home and abroad. Contemporary issues and special populations e.g. AIDS, women’s health, children at risk, homelessness, immigrants, obesity will be studied.
ANH 2995: Anthropology of Health and Medicine
This course covers cross-cultural views about illness, healing, and the body. It explains the biomedical approach to illness and explores how cultural conceptions shape the experience of illness. Students will examine the approaches to childbirth, menstruation, and menopause that are influenced by culture. Also investigates how beliefs about illness and medication are linked to social and political policies by thoroughly reviewing case studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
ANH 3280: Anthropological Linguistics
Methods of analysis and description of language and ways in which human beings use their language. Of interest to students who wish to continue the study of linguistics as well as those in a variety of professions who wish to read with understanding linguistic literature in their own field. Cross listed with ENG 3281
ANH 3296: European Ethnography (HST 3296) Topics in European History – Ancient Greece
A special area of European history that is of current interest.
ANH 3301: World Cultures
Comparative study of selected major cultural areas of the world. Institutional patterns characterizing the cultural complex of Europe and Southeast Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, North and South America and Africa south of the Sahara will be examined. This course improves cultural understanding by developing awareness, appreciation, understanding, and sensitivity to other cultures around the world. It looks at the pattern of culture change over time and its impact on people. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
ANH 3308: African Cultures = HST 3388: History of Africa
Surveys the history of Africa from Paleolithic times to the present, with particular emphasis on broad regional trends and the formation of African states after 1800.
ANH 3310: Ethnographic Field Methods
Preparation for conducting qualitative research including organizing for the field work, collecting, and analyzing ethnographic data. Provides training in several qualitative research methods such as Participant Observation, the Life Story Interview, Freelisting, and Pile Sorting. Students apply the methods to demonstrate their skills in conducting their own qualitative research projects.
ANH 3332: Anthropology of communication =COM 3332: Cross Cultural Communication
This course explores theory and practice related to communicating across cultures. Attention is given to verbal and nonverbal communication in varying cross-cultural contexts including dyadic, small group, and public communication situations with examination of dominant cultures and co-cultures. Students should develop an appreciation of global differences among global cultures as well as a practical understanding of how to communicate effectively with people who are different from themselves.
ANH 3333: South and Southeast Asian Ethnology = HST 3275: History of South and Southeast Asia
An historical study of the peoples of South and Southeast Asian countries from ancient to the present. Also covers the indigenous religions of the region. Includes the Indian subcontinent and SE Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
ANH 3335: Paleoanthropology = BI 3355: Paleobiology
Examines the origin and subsequent evolution of life over the past four billion years. The paleobiology and geologic history of major animal and plant group are discussed. The course includes field trips to local and regional fossil sites. Prerequisites: BI 1110, BI 1130, and BI 3350
ANH 3350: Selected Topic Seminar
Review of special area in anthropology or the study of a problem from an interdisciplinary position. May be taken for one through six credits.
ANH 3390 Evolution = BI 3391: Evolution
A study of the basic theory, mechanisms, and pathways of natural selection. Also studies the development of evolutionary thought from antiquity to the current gradualist and punctuated equilibrium models. Both genetic and paleontological data are analyzed in examining micro and macroevolutionary scenario.
ANH 4440: Anthropology of Religion
This course explores how societies construct meaning through belief systems. Symbolic systems that will be explored cross-culturally include indigenous religion, witchcraft, magic, shamanism, and cultural spirituality. Students will study the evolution of religious values over time and the impact of religion on society.
ANH 4444: Anthropological Demography
Study of human population growth and composition from an anthropological perspective. The focus is on basic demography, demographic theory, reproduction, the demographic transition, the role of culture in population change, and paleo-demography. The course will also provide exposure to current demographic measures and projections both in the US and around the world.
ANH 4445: Professional Development 1 cr.
A workshop-style course to develop students’ professional skills. It prepares students to organize their skills and expertise, and exposes them to networks in their area of interest. It Equips students with necessary tools for career entry and advancement.
ANH 4471: Ethnography of Mexico and the Caribbean (HST 4471) History of Mexico and The Caribbean
A survey of Mexico and Caribbean basin from the rise of native civilizations to the revolutions of the 20th century and the aftermath. Studies the interaction of various racial groups, the formation of distinct national identities, and class conflict.
ANH 4480: Anthropological Theory
A seminar on the history and development of anthropological thought from social evolution through post-processual theory. The course covers both macro and mid-range theories and current trends in the anthropological perspective. Prerequisites: Upper class standing in the anthropology/sociology major.
ANH 4490: Field Study 3-12 cr.
Supervised field work in any subdiscipline of anthropology: physical, archaeology, linguistic, or cultural anthropology. Individually arranged. Prerequisites: Upper class standing in the anthropology track of the sociology/anthropology major or permission of the instructor
ANH 4497: Independent Study 1-3 cr.
Independent study is an activity initiated by the student to increase his/her already advanced knowledge in a particular academic discipline. The subject is examined in an intensive manner with guidance by a faculty member who has special expertise in that field. May be taken for 1-3 credits at one time.
ANH 4499: Applied Anthropology 3 -6 cr.
This course prepares students to apply social science research skills in assessing and finding solution to community problems. Students will learn concepts, methods, and analysis strategies in qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for their research topics. It also provides students with skills to write a research paper for presentation purpose.