Azizur R. Molla, M.P.H., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Public Health
Grand Valley State University
Areas of Expertise: Community Health, Environmental Health, Demography, Reproductive Health, Medical Anthropology, South Asian Cultures, Community Development Strategies, Program Evaluation, and Qualitative & Quantitative Research.
Selected Publications:
- Azizur Molla, Veterans Healthcare in West Michigan – A Community Based Participatory Research, APHA CHPPD Section Newsletter, Fall 2014
Azizur Molla, Health Status of US Veterans – How Effective is our VA Healthcare?, APHA CHPPD Section Newsletter, Fall 2014
- Azizur Molla, Health Risks of Radon Gas, APHA CHPPD Section Newsletter, Winter 2014
- Peter J. Wampler; Rick R. Rediske; and Azizur R. Molla, 2013, Using ArcMap, Google Earth, and Global Positioning Systems to select and locate random households in rural Haiti, International Journal of Health Geographics.
- Andrew J. Sisson; Peter J. Wampler; Rick R. Rediske; and Azizur R. Molla, 2012 An assessment of long term Biosand Filter use and sustainability in Haiti, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
- Molla, Azizur R., 2011, "The Innocent Warriors: Bangladesh’s Water Front", May, 2011, http://sfaanews.sfaa.net/?s=Azizur+Molla
- 2nd book tentatively titled Public Health Risks Associated with Indoor Radon Gas - work in progress
- Molla, Azizur R., 2009, "Water and Health in Bangladesh: Water: The Other Name of Life - South Asian Perspective," a chapter in a text book titled Paradigms for Anthropology: An Ethnographic Reader, Paradigm Publishers
- Molla, Azizur R., 2008, A book WATER, SEWAGE, AND DISEASE IN BANGLADESH A Medical Anthropology published in 2008 by The Edwin Mellen Press, NY.
- Molla, Azizur R., 2007, "Power of Culture in Selecting Health Care Providers in Rural Bangladesh - An Ethno Scientific Analysis" Research in Economic Anthropology - vol. 26 The Economics of Health and Wellness: An Anthropological Perspective.
- Molla, Azizur, R, 2006, "Effects of Water Quality on Incidence of Disease in Rural Bangladesh", PhD Dissertation, Pro-Quest/UMI.
- Molla, Azizur, R, 2005, "The Force of Custom in Bangladesh", ResearchPennState-online Magazine of Scholarship and Creativity, May, 2005, [link].
Teaching & Research
- Current research projects
- Community Health
- Teaching effectiveness tool
- Health & Cultures class - field trip photos