Research Projects
Veterans Healthcare study
Radon Gas and It's Health Risks
Water and Health
Safe and Sustainable Water for Haiti Web Site
- Peter J. Wampler; Rick R. Rediske; and Azizur R. Molla, 2013, Using ArcMap, Google Earth, and Global Positioning Systems to select and locate random households in rural Haiti, International Journal of Health Geographics.
- Andrew J. Sisson; Peter J. Wampler; Rick R. Rediske; and Azizur R. Molla, 2012 An assessment of long term Biosand Filter use and sustainability in Haiti, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
- Molla, Azizur R., 2011, "The Innocent Warriors: Bangladesh’s Water Front", May, 2011, http://sfaanews.sfaa.net/?s=Azizur+Molla
- 2nd book tentatively titled Public Health Risks Associated with Indoor Radon Gas - work in progress
- Molla, Azizur R., 2009, “Water: The Other Name of Life –A South Asian Perspective”, a chapter of text book titled ‘Anthropology Unbound-The Reader’, The Paradigm Publisher. Under review.
- Molla, Azizur R., 2007, "Power of Culture in Selecting Health Care Providers in Rural Bangladesh- An Ethno Scientific Analysis" Research in Economic Anthropology - vol. 26 The Economics of Health and Wellness: An Anthropological Perspective.
- Molla, Azizur, R, 2006, "Effects of Water Quality on Incidence of Disease in Rural Bangladesh", PhD Dissertation, Pro-Quest/UMI.
- Molla, Azizur, R, 2005, "The Force of Custom in Bangladesh", ResearchPennState-on line Magazine of Scholarship and Creativity, May, 2005, http://www.rps.psu.edu/oncampus/ landscape.html.
- Molla, Azizur R, ed. 1996, "Health and Family Planning Program in Bangladesh-Successes and Challenges: A Reference Manual", BRAC Printers, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Abstracts Published
- Molla, Azizur R., March 17-21, 2009, “Radon Gas and Public Health Risks in Tioga Country, Pennsylvania: An Applied Medical Anthropology project to Address Environmental Health Problem”, at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting at Santa Fe, NM.
- Molla, Azizur R., June 22-25, 2008, “Study of Public Health Risks Associated With Indoor Radon Gas in Mansfield, Pennsylvania," at the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) annual meeting at Tucson, Arizona.
- Molla, Azizur R., March 25-29, 2008, “Sanitation,Water Contamination, and Incidence of Disease in Bangladesh”, at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting at Memphis, TN.
- Molla, Azizur R., March 27-31, 2007, “Effects of Pond Water Contamination on Incidence of Diarrhea in South Asia - Global Involvement to Solve Regional Health Problem,” at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting at Tampa, FL.
- Molla, Azizur R., February 21-24, 2007, “Factors Affecting Selection of Health Care Providers in Rural Bangladesh – An Ethno-scientific Analysis,” at Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR) Meeting at San Antonio, TX,.
- Molla, Azizur R, May, 2005, “South Asian Health Scenario: Effects of Water Quality on Incidence of Diarrhea in Rural Bangladesh,” at Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meeting, Western Ontario University, London, ON.
- Molla, Azizur R. and Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, April, 2005, “Sanitation, Latrines, and Cultural Beliefs Among Bangladeshis,” at Society for Economic Anthropology, Dartmouth College, NH.
- Molla, Azizur R., April, 2005, “Effects of SES on Latrine use in Rural Bangladesh – A Third World Country Health Scenario,” at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting, New Mexico.
Paper & Poster
Conference Paper Presented
- Molla, Azizur R., November 19-23, 2008, “Public Health Risk Associated With Indoor Radon Gas In Tioga County, PA” at American Anthropological Association (AAA) Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Molla, Azizur R., June 22-25, 2008, “Study of Public Health Risks Associated With Indoor Radon Gas in Mansfield, Pennsylvania," at the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) annual meeting at Tucson, Arizona.
- Molla, Azizur R., March 25-29, 2008, “Sanitation,Water Contamination, and Incidence of Disease in Bangladesh”, at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting at Memphis, TN.
- Molla, Azizur R., Nov. 28 - Dec. 02, 2007, “Effects of Pond Water Contamination on Incidence of Diarrhea in Bangladesh – An Ethnoscientific Analysis,” at 2007 American Anthropological Association (AAA) Meeting at Washington D.C.
- Molla, Azizur R., June 18-21, 2007, “Effects of Pond Water Contamination on Incidence of Disease in Rural Bangladesh- An Ethno-Scientific Analysis”, at the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) annual meeting at Atlantic City, NJ.
- Molla, Azizur R., March 27-31, 2007, “Effects of Pond Water Contamination on Incidence of Diarrhea in South Asia - Global Involvement to Solve Regional Health Problem,” at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting at Tampa, FL.
- Molla, Azizur R., February 21-24, 2007, “Factors Affecting Selection of Health Care Providers in Rural Bangladesh – An Ethno-scientific Analysis,” at Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR) Meeting at San Antonio, TX,.
- Molla, Azizur R, November, 2006, “Effects of Pond Water Contamination on Incidence of Skin Disease in South Asia - An Ethnoscientific Analysis,” at American Anthropological Association (AAA) Meeting, San Jose, CA.
- Molla, Azizur R, May, 2005, “South Asian Health Scenario: Effects of Water Quality on Incidence of Diarrhea in Rural Bangladesh,” at Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meeting, Western Ontario University, London, ON.
- Molla, Azizur R., April, 2005, “Effects of SES on Latrine use in Rural Bangladesh – A Third World Country Health Scenario,” at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting, New Mexico.
- Molla, Azizur R. and Bhandari, Prem, October 14-16, 2004, “Visit to Traditional Versus Modern Health Care Providers in Rural Bangladesh” at Southern Demographic Association (SDA) meeting at Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Conference Paper Accepted;
- Molla, Azizur R., March 17-21, 2009, “Radon Gas and Public Health Risks in Tioga Country, Pennsylvania: An Applied Medical Anthropology project to Address Environmental Health Problem”, at Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meeting at Santa Fe, NM.
Poster Presented
- Molla, Azizur R. and Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, April, 2005, “Sanitation, Latrines, and Cultural Beliefs Among Bangladeshis,” at Society for Economic Anthropology, Dartmouth College, NH.
- Molla, Azizur R. and Gretchen Cornwell, March 31-April 2, 2005, “Pond Water Contamination And Incidence of Disease in Rural Bangladesh”, at Population Association of America (PAA) Meeting, Philadelphia.
- Molla, Azizur R. and Gretchen Cornwell, March 31-April 2, 2005, “Tube-wells as a Community Health Intervention: Can They be Effective in Bangladesh?,” at Population Association of America (PAA) Meeting, Philadelphia.
- 2008, Mansfield University (MU) Faculty-Student Research Grant for Study of Public Health Risks Associated With Indoor Radon Gas in Tioga County, Pennsylvania
- 2008, MU Faculty Professional Development Committee (FPDC) grant spring 2008
- 2007, Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority, PA Grant 2008 for Applied Anthropology Project: Status of Recycling at MU and Recommendations for Improvement
- 2007, MU Faculty Professional Development Committee grant fall 2007
- 2007, MU Faculty Professional Development Committee grant spring 2007
- 2006, MU Faculty Professional Development Committee grant fall 2006
- 2005, Penn State’s Health Services Grant
- 2008, FTLC Pew Technology Enhancement Awards for Student Led Study of Public Health Risks Associated with Indoor Radon Gas in West Michigan, MI
- 2005, Mellon Foundation Research Award
- 2005, Penn State’s Graduate School Award
- 2004, Penn State’s International Student and Scholar award
- 2003-2004, Mellon Foundation Research Award
- 2002-03, Mellon Foundation Research Award
- 2003-04, Received US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Population Policy Communication Fellowship
- 2002, National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellowship