Courses Taught/Scheduled to teach:
Fall 2011
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (2 sec.)
ANT 204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (1 sec.)
Spring/Summer 2011
ANT 307 Field Techniques and Laboratory Methods in Anthropology (3-6 credits)Winter 2011Winter 2010
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (1 sec.)ANT 204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (2 sec.)
Fall 2010
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (2 sec.)ANT 300 Research Methods in Anthropology (1 sec.)
Spring/Summer 2010
ANT 204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (1 sec.)Winter 2010
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (1 sec.)ANT 204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (2 sec.)
Fall 2009
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (2 sec.)ANT 300 Research Methods in Anthropology
Spring/Summer 2009
ANT 307 Field Techniques and Laboratory Methods in Anthropology (3-6 credits)Winter 2009
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (1 sec.)ANT 204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (2 sec.)
Fall 2008
ANT 320 Culture and Disease (2 sec.)ANT 204 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (1 sec.)