Wael A. Mokhtar, Ph.D. 
Director, School of Engineering
Grand Valley State University
301 West Fulton Street, KEN 136
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Phone: (616) 331-6015 Fax: (616) 331-7215
E-Mail: mokhtarw@gvsu.edu

Ph.D. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, 2006
M.S Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alexandria University, 2001
B.S Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alexandria University, 1994
- Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Director of the School of Engineering, 2016- Present
Assistant Director of the School of Engineering, 2014-2016 Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2018-Present
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2012-201
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2009-2012
- Lake Superior State University, Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan
Assistant Professor/ Program Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering, 2005-2009
- Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering, 2001-2005
- Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1997-2001
- Asuit University, Asuit, Egypt
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1996-1997
Research Interests: 
- Semi-Trucks Drag Reduction
- Pickup Trucks Aerodynamics
- Wind Energy
- Biofluid Simulation
- CFD Applications.
- Racecar Aerodynamics.
- Jet Flow.
- Wind Tunnel Testing.
- Wind Tunnel Boundary Correction.
- High Lift Airfoil.
- Fluid/Structure Interaction.
- Teaching Methods.
Honors and Awards:
- Graduate Dean’s Citation for Academic Excellence in Degree Award (Nathaniel Holmes) 2024
- Outstanding Graduate Mentor-ship Award 2023
- Graduate Dean’s Citation for Academic Excellence for Outstanding Thesis (Ryan Lubbers) 2022
- Outstanding Graduate Student Award (Justin Fisher) 2019
- Graduate Dean’s Citation for Academic Excellence for Outstanding Thesis (Mowgli Crosby) 2019
- Outstanding Senior Project of the Year, School of Engineering 2014
- Outstanding Senior Project of the Year Awards, School of Engineering, Grand Valley State University, 2013
- Outstanding Senior Project of the Year Awards, School of Engineering, Grand Valley State University, 2012
- Best Presentation and Best Technical Content Awards, ASME, District B, SPDC Conference, 2011
- Outstanding Senior Project of the Year Award, School of Engineering, Grand Valley State University, 2011
- Outstanding Senior Project of the Year Award, School of Engineering, Grand Valley State University, 2010
- Best Paper Award by ASEE NC Conference, 2009.
- Supplemental Dissertation Stipend Award by Old Dominion University, 2005.
- Faculty Excellence Award in Aerospace Engineering by Old Dominion University, 2004.
- Machine Award by Alexandria University, Mechanical Engineering Dep. Egypt, 1994.
- Dr. Sorour Award by Alexandria University, Mechanical Engineering Dep. Egypt, 1994.

Professional Societies:
- West Michigan Senior Section Chair, ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Student Section Advisor: SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers.
- Member, ASEE: American Society of Engineering Education.
- Member, ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Member, SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers.
- Reviewer, ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Reviewer, SAE: Society of Automotive Engineering.
- Reviewer, ASEE: American Society of Engineering Education.
- Reviewer: International Journal of Learning.
- Reviewer: International Journal of Aerodynamics.
- Reviewer: Journal Automobile Engineering .
- Reviewer: Journal of Aerospace.
- Reviewer: Journal of Renewable Energy.
- Reviewer: Journal of Wind Energy.
- Reviewer: ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering.
- Reviewer: ASME Transaction Journal of Fluid Engineering.