
Overview of Projects

Project I (Resource Web Site)

Create a resource web page for your use in this course. The audience for this site is you and your classmates. Your site will be evaluated by me based on the quality of the links, annotations, as well as the general usefulness of your materials. On the due date, you will need to submit a project description and analysis on your course portal page (see Project II). This document should include an internal link (URL) and relevant comments and discussion of the rhetorical purposes and strategies used on your page. Due: First edition by September 12; revision & analysis by September 19.

Project II (Ongoing Portal Page)

Create a page that links to all of the assignments and projects for this class. This page should include links to your individual project pages, courses, biographies, professional information--anything relevant to your life as a writing major and student at GVSU. Strive for a professional looking page that gives relevant information about your study in this course and the assignments and projects you are working on. Your page should navigate easily, and I should be able to find every assignment and analysis without hunting. See full project description for details. Due: ongoing project evaluated at midterm. The first edition should be completed by September 12.

Project III (Brochure)

Create a brochure for a non-profit group around campus or in the community. Demonstrate your knowledge of the design principles: contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Draft Due: October 10; final due: October 31

Project IV (Redesign)

We will take a look at the Grand Rapids Goodwill website. <> I will have you work in groups to present short presentations on the desgin and text of this site. Be prepared to discuss what is working and what is not working well on this site as well as discuss contrasts to similar sites. Each of you will then create a sample redesign of this site. Due: October 21

Project V (Web Site)

Create a web site for a non-profit organization in your community.

During the last half of the semester you'll design, develop, test, and implement a Web site for a community, government, business, or service organization in your community. Although each person will build his or her own web site, each of the staff groups will work together to help, advise, and critique the work of others in the group. Some of you may choose to continue working on the Goodwill web site. Due: December 5

Various Assignments

I'll ask you to do a number of shorter assignments in preparation for class. All of your work—main projects and short assignments—must be accessible to me from your web page. I will also have some quizes for you that cover class notes.


In order to get a C in the course, you must complete all the assignments and projects and they must be at least "average" by the standards I have set for my students. The five Projects will be weighted at 15% each, except for Project V, which is 20%. The final 20% of the grade will be calculated based on quizes and short assignments given throughout the semester. If you do "above average" work you will get a B and if you do excellent work, you will get an A. I will give feedback on most all of your work and I will be pushing you to do above average and excellent work. I do not necessarily give letter grades for each piece of work you do, but by midterm we will have some discussion about your progress in the course. If you have questions, please talk to me.



Project Overview

Project I

Project II

Project III

Project IV

Project V

Short Assignments
Notes for today !
Reading Schedule
Class Web Pages
Course Projects