SPRING Contents

To view contents and selected articles, click on issue numbers below.

SPRING 21-22 (2014-2015)

SPRING 20 (2013)

SPRING 19 (2012)

SPRING 18 (2011)

SPRING 17 (2010)

SPRING 16 (2007)

SPRING 14-15 (2005-2006)

SPRING 13 (2004)

SPRING 12 (2003)

SPRING 11 (2002)

SPRING 10 (2001)

SPRING 9 (2000)

SPRING 8 (1999)

SPRING 7 (1998)

SPRING 6 (1997) 

SPRING 5 (1996)

SPRING 4 (1995)

SPRING 3 (1994)

SPRING 2 (1993) 

SPRING 1 (1992)

To join the E. E. Cummings Society and subscribe to SPRING, fill out this form and send a check via snail-mail to the editor, Michael Webster. 

Spring is published annually in October. Subscriptions (which include membership in the E. E. Cummings Society) are $17.50; $12.50 for students; $22.50 for libraries (make checks payable to Michael Webster.) 

Back copies:
The old series of Spring (1981-1990) is now available in CD format.
The new series of Spring, issues 1-5 (1992-1996), is available in CD format only.
Paper copies of  Spring, issues 6-21 (1997-2015) are available at the usual rates. Many articles are now on-line (click specific issue numbers at left). 

Comments, questions, and e-mail inquiries may also be addressed to Michael Webster at websterm at gvsu dot edu.

Submission guidelines:

Submissions to Spring may be sent via e-mail attachment or CD or both.
We prefer that you send documents in Microsoft Word, keeping extraneous formatting to a minimum.
Critical discussions should use MLA style and endnotes rather than footnotes.
A paper copy is appreciated, especially if you are sending poetry.
For return, all manuscripts should be accompanied by a SASE.
Send manuscripts to:

Michael Webster
Spring Editor
129 Lake Huron Hall
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI, 49401
websterm at gvsu dot edu

All material quoted from the writings, and reproduced from the artwork of E. E. Cummings is by permission of the E. E. Cummings Trust and the Liveright Publishing Corporation.

For permission to quote from the the works of E. E. Cummings, fill out this permission form (from his publisher Liveright, a division of W.W. Norton).

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